676 Sinodu ve Giwargis/George I (ö.680)
Synodicon Orientale 410 ve 775/6
yılları arasında düzenlenen. Sinod koleksiyonu, tek bir 13. veya 14. yüzyılda
aktarılan çok daha büyük bir kanonik ve hukuki metinler koleksiyonunun yalnızca
bir parçasıdır. Gewargis (George) I (ö. 680/1), 676'da Gewargis, Beth Qaṭraye'deki
Dirin adasında önemli bir sinod topladı., selefi altında, büyük sıkıntılar ve
bölünme görmüş olan bölge (belki de bu sinodun arka planında hala
yankılanıyordu). Sinodun raporu ve kanunları Synodicon Orientale'de
muhafaza edilmektedir.
Sinod'un kararları yazılı dört el yazmasında korunur. On dördüncü
ve yirminci yüzyıllar arasında. şimdi ikisi Vatikan Kütüphanesi'nde, biri
Paris'teki Bibliothèque Nationale'de ve biri Bağdat'ta bulunmaktadır. Bir
diğeri Siirt'te tutuldu. Türkiye ama büyük ihtimalle I. Dünya Savaşı'ndan sonra
yıkıldı. 1902'de Jean-Baptiste Chabot, Vatikan'a dayanan bir baskı yayınladı
1869'da bir kitaptan kopyalanan Borgia Süryanice 82 el yazması büyük olasılıkla
on dördüncü yüzyıl örneği J.B. Chabot tarafından düzenlenen ve hem Oscar Braun
(GT) hem de Chabot (FT) tarafından Synodicon Orientale başlığı altında çevrilen
bu daha sınırlı koleksiyondur.
Jean-Baptiste Chabot, “Synodicon orientale ou recueil de synodes
nestoriens”. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1902; Oscar Braun, “Das Buch
der Synhados oder Synodicon Orientale”. Amsterdam: Philo Press, 1900;
Thomas Joseph Lamy, Ed., “Concilium Seleuciae et Ctespihonti Habitum Anno
410”. Louvain: Peeters, 1868; Oscar Braun, “Zwei Synoden des Katholikos
Timotheos I”, Oriens Christianus, vol. 2, pp. 283-311, 1902; Sebastian Paul
Brock, “The christology of the Church of the East’, 125–42.
From the book
concerning the minutes of a council held in May "of the year 57 of the
rule of the Arabs"
http://syri.ac/synodiconorientale#syngeortext (06.09.2022).
Canon 6: On judgment for Christians, that it
should be [done] in the church before the presence of those designated by the
Bishop with the consensus of the community, by Priests and the faithful, and
that they should not go outside the church, neither before pagans nor the
unfaithful, to receive judgment.
“Urges that 'legal cases and disputes between Christians be judged
within the church' and that 'those to be judged should not go outside the
church before the pagans and non-believers.' Though the wording is vague, the
Muslims must chiefly be meant, and we find the same concern in rulings by
contemporary Jacobite and Jewish leaders.”
Canon 14: On how it is unfitting for
Christian women to be married to pagans, strangers to the fear of God.
“That it is not appropriate for Christian women to consort with the
pagans, who are strangers to the fear of God,' is similarly unspecific; in a
general way it probably intends all non-Christians, but again it is likely that
Muslims were uppermost in the minds of those at the synod, and indeed, we find
this issue commanding the attention of a number of contemporary Christian
authorities. It is, however, true that there were still pagan vestiges in East
Arabia, as is indicated by Canon”
Canon 18: On the burial of the departed and
on those who mourn outside the proper time.
“Which forbids Christians to bury their dead 'in the manner of the
pagans,' 'for it is a pagan custom to wrap the deceased in rich and precious
clothes and, in weakness and despair, to make great lamentations for them.”
Canon 19: On the Bishop and the obligation of
his honor and those faithful who are not permitted to exact tribute from him.
“Stresses that bishops should be held in honour and respect by
their flock, and that 'believers who hold power are not authorised to exact
poll-tax and tribute (ksep risha wmadatta) from him as from a layman.' This
ruling gives our earliest literary reference to a poll-tax imposed by the
Muslims, and illustrates that the latter made use of local inhabitants to
collect taxes.”
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