Babil'in Çocuk Azizleri Vaazı (640?)
Harald Suermann Vaazın anonim olduğunu söylemiştir. (The Qurʾān
in Context, Voluma 6, 2010, Brill, Leiden, Boston, s.140) Aynı yerde
Hoyland’a gönderme yapmıştır.
MS 640 civarında Irak'ta verilen ve o dönemde Arapların ve
Yahudilerin davranışlarına tarihsel bir gönderme yapan bir Hıristiyan vaazıdır.
Vaazın Müslüman Arapların fethinden sonra yazıldığı kesindir, vaaz Mısır’ın
fethinden birkaç sene sonraya tarihlendirmek mümkündür. Vaazın bir kısmı
Kahire’de aziz Macarius manastırında korunmuştur. (Homelies Coptes s.62-63).
Koptik metin ve Fransızca çevirisi;
“Panegyriques des Trois Saints Enfants de Babylone, Homelies
Coptes De La Vaticane II, Texte Copte Publié Et Traduit par Henri de Vis”
(Cahiers de Ia bibliotheque copte 6; Louvain and Paris, 1990, 99-100). (25.08.2022).
Robert H.Hoyland İngilizce
çevirisi; Homily on the Child Saints of Babylon, Seeing Islam as Others Saw It ,s. 121,
Homily on the Child Saints of
“As for us, my loved ones, let us fast and pray without cease, and
observe the commandments of the Lord so that the blessing of all our Fathers
who have pleased Him may come down upon us. Let us not fast like the God-killing
Jews, nor fast like the Saracens who are oppressors, who give themselves up to
prostitution, massacre and lead into captivity the sons of men, saying:
"We both fast and pray." Nor should we fast like those who deny the
saving passion of our Lord who died for us, to free us from death and
perdition. Rather let us fast like our Fathers the apostles who went out into
all the world, suffering hunger and thirst, deprived of all. . . . Let us fast
like Moses the arch-prophet, Elias and John, like the prophet Daniel and the
three Saints in the furnace of fire.”
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