Giwargis/George I (ö.680) ve İsho‘yahb III (ö.659) hakkında yazılanlar
Yahya bar Penkaye hakkında yazdığı Giwargis/George I, 661'den 680'e
kadar Doğu Kilisesi'nin patriğiydi. Giwargis'in patrikhanesinin kısa
açıklamaları Bar Hebraeus (Ebu’l-Ferec) (ö.1286)'un Kilise Kroniği’nde (1280)
ve Nasturi yazarlar Mari (12. yüzyıl), Amr (ondördüncü yüzyıl) ve Sliba'nın
(ondördüncü yüzyıl) kilise tarihlerinde verilmektedir); ayrıca John bar Penkaye
(680) örtülü ve taraflı biçimde vermektedir.
Yahya bar Penkaye, Rish Melle 15’te George I’in hakkında bir takım
imalarda bulunmaktadır.
"This period of calm was to us the cause of so much weakness,
that there happened to us what happened to the Israelites, of whom it is said:
“Israel has grown fat and lazy, he has become fat and wealthy, he has abandoned
the God who made him, and despised the strong one that saved him.” The
westerners, it is true, clung tightly to their sacrilegious (faith), but we who
believe we adhere to the true faith, we were so far from the works of Christians,
that if one of the former had risen and had seen us, he would have had been
dizzy and said: “this is not the faith in which I died.” (translated Alphonse
Mingana 1907, Sebastian Paul Brock 1987, and Roger Pearse 2010).
Bar Penkaye, Muaviye altındaki "liderleri" - ki bu sadece
Giwargis olabilir - kibir, açgözlülük, oburluk, siyasete karışma ve laik
otoritelere rüşvet verme (Işoyahb III için de geçerlidir için özellikle vurgular.
Bar Hebraus (ebu’l-Ferec) şu
değerlendirmeyi yapar;
“At that time there died Ishoʿyahb
III, the catholicus of the Nestorians, who was succeeded at Seleucia by his
disciple Giwargis. He made a tour of the regions, anxious to restore
ecclesiastical matters, while his enemies accused him to the emir of the Arabs
of touring the regions to collect money. The emir therefore demanded money from
him, and when he refused to give it, and did not give it even after suffering
torture and imprisonment, the indignant emir destroyed many churches at ʿAqula
and throughout the region of Hirta. In the time of Giwargis the doctor
Yohannan, bishop of Beth Waziq, cut off his members after he was accused of
fornication, and was then condemned all the more and deposed.” (Bar Hebraeus, Ecclesiastical
Chronicle (ed. Abeloos and Lamy), ii. 130–2)
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