21 Mart 2023 Salı

XII İsho‘yahb III (öl.659) ve Mektupları

                                        İsho‘yahb III (öl.659) ve Mektupları



Adiabene'li III. İsho‘yahb (649'dan 659'a kadar Doğu Kilisesi Patriği idi. Adiabene, isim klasik Suryanca'dan türetilmiştir, merkezi Arbela (Erbil) olan, eski Asur'daki bir Yahudi (Uydu) devletiydi. 652 yılı, Orta Doğu'da köklü bir siyasi değişime işaret ediyordu. Bu tarihte Sasani İmparatorluğu yıkılmış ve doğudaki Bizans hakimiyetinin büyük bir kısmı Müslüman Arapların eline geçmişti. İsho‘yahb III’ün yazdığı 628 ile 658 arasında yazdığı mektuplarıdır. İsho‘yahb’ın mektuplarından yüz altı tanesi günümüze ulaşmıştır. İslam öncesi Doğu Kilisesi'nin tarihi hakkında ve islam fetihleri ve bu fetihten sonraki yirmi yılla ilgilidir. (630-656).


Piskopos olarak atandıktan sonra, İsho‘yahb çeşitli kişilerle (keşişler, piskoposlar, patrik) çeşitli konularda canlı bir yazışma yürüttü. İki mektup, Doğu Kilisesi'nin topraklarında Müslüman varlığı hakkında bilgi verir. İsho‘yahb’ın mektupları, on üçüncü yüzyılda 'Abdīšū' al- Ṣūbāwī kataloğunda zikredilmiştir. Assemani bazılarını yayınlamıştır.



İsho‘yahb’ın on sekizinci yüzyıldaki Bibliotheca Orientalis'indeki mektupları. 1894'te Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budge, İsho‘yahb’ın “The Book of Governors, Historia Monastica of Thomas bishop of Marga A.D. 840”da, Charles Kenneth Scott Moncrieff,  “The Book of Consolations, or the Pastoral Epistles of Mar Isho‘yahbh of Kuphlana in Adiabene (1904)”de, Rubens Duval, “Isho‘yahb Patriarchae III liber epistularum”. 2 vols. Paris: ?, 1904-1905.”de, Jean Maurice Fiey, “Išoʿyaw le Grand. Vie du Catholicos nestorien Išoʿyaw III d’Adiabène (580-690)”. In: OCP 35 (1969), 305-333; 36 (1970), 5-46”da, Sebastian Paul Brock, İşoyabh’ın “Syriac Views of Emergent Islam” (1982)” adlı eserinde Müslüman Araplara bakışını, Victoria Erhart “The Church of the East during the Period of the Four Rightly-Guided Caliphs” (1996)” makalesinde Müslüman Arapların fetihten sonra ilk yılları, yine mektuplarla ilgili, Ovidiu Ioan, “Muslime und Araber bei Īšō‘jahb III. (649–659), Göttinger Orientforschungen, I. Reihe: Syriaca 37 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009”,  William Galbraith Young, Harald Suermann, Robert Hoyland, Mario Kozah, Martin Tamcke, Herman Teule, Dietmar W. Winkler,  Michael Philip Penn, Karl Pinggéra, Marikje Metselaar yine İsho‘yahb hakkında yazmışlardır.

His Letters

Iskandar Bcheiry “Išū‘yahb III and the Muslim Arabs”tan;[1]

“The fervent madness of the wicked and blasphemous people who are mentioned here came about because of a satanic illusion. They found for themselves an advantageous time for obvious reasons: First, the eagerness of the current governors to hear them [the heretics], who are approaching them with incantations of money and golden persuasion [bribes]. The second reason is the multitude of evil assistants [of the governors], who in the past belonged to their heresy and now are counted among the current rulers. The third is the reception and success of the people of Tikrīt before the rulers there. Fourth, and additionally, the influence of Satan which functions among the disobedient children [of the church] who do not hold fast to living according to the love of truth. Thus, they went by themselves as they wished and wrestled [against the heretics] as they desired. However, they were unable to speak a wise word. They did no even present a persuasive plea. They did not show a sign of stewardship to the Lord. They did not accomplish anything worthy of persuasive conversation with the governors. After they had completed their desire they [some members of his church] returned to disturb us. They found out that the governor of this place is openly supporting them [the heretics].

They went down to the dung-heap near the gate of our city since they are the dung of the church. There, they made for themselves a house of foulness and stupidity in the name of a church as a meeting place, located near the place where all people usually would have to go for their natural purification [i.e., defecation]” (Ep. 44B. 82).

“[I will narrate all of these in a letter: I mean,] how they [the heretics] are provoking and troubling the governors and the people of the land [against me] every day, and how I had to deal with such challenges by visiting or by being driven before the rulers. I will write about all of these in a letter, so that it [knowledge of Išū‘yahb’s activity against the heretics] will be spread and made further known.”  (Ep. 43B. 77)

“And if it happens that you [monks] would give false excuses, or that the heretics would deceive you so that you say: what happened occurred by the order of the Ṭayayē—this is entirely untrue. For the Ṭayayē Mhaggrē do not assist those who say suffering and death came upon God, the Lord of all. And if by chance they did help them for whatever reason, you can explain to the Mhaggrē and persuade them in regard to this matter, if really you care about it at all. Do all things wisely, O men, my brothers. Give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God. And the Lord of the Most-High will do what He does, by His hands, all good things for the benefit of those who fear Him.” (Isho'yahb III, Ep. 48B, 97).

“A short time ago, father, when we were struggling by fighting the wicked ones, we instantly turned the face of our thoughts toward you, O steady guardian of Orthodoxy. When we were ready, and time allowed us, we wrote to inform you, with faithful reliance. Not long after this trouble, but as we were beginning to write [a letter], the mercy of the grace of the Lord suddenly hit us with an indescribable miracle, which repelled the turbulence of the impious from here. Some of them were expelled to far [places] and some of them to the holes of their hiding places, so that we in astonishment were obliged to thank [the Lord], because it [the miracle] brought back to us the accustomed peace. Not only that, but also, we have hope that the demonstration of the power of Our Lord will get stronger in striking the pride of the audacious wicked one, [i.e.] the ones [the heretics] who already have begun to experience it. You may rejoice, O father, in these things and give thanks because of them to Our Lord, as it is fitting. And you may pray for the sake of [good] things in the future, hoping that a rich end will be received through the grace of God for the glory of the holy Church, and for the rejoicing of the faithful. As for me, I see the letter which was written a short time ago to your holiness in the middle of the tempest of the difficulties. I will send it along with this writing so that you will know more about the fight of the servants of the devil and the amazing intervention of the power of God, and the swift change that suddenly appeared to us from the incomprehensible mercy. When you know about this you will be amazed, and when you are amazed you will give thanks and praise. ” (Ep. 49B. 97–98).

“With regard to your people of Mazūn, who left their faith for their own reasons, which is made clear by the same people of Mazūn who themselves admit that the Arabs have not forced them to abandon their faith, but only asked them to give up a portion of their possession and [thus] keep their faith. Yet they abandoned their faith, which is eternal, and retained the portion of their possession, which lasts for a short time. And the faith, which was preserved by all the nations at the cost of the blood of their necks, and which they are still preserving, through which they gain eternal life your people of Mazūn did not retain it at the cost of the portion of their possession.” (Ep. 14C. 251).

“As for the Arabs, to whom God has now given rule over the world, and who are among us, as you know: not only do they not oppose Christianity, but they praise our faith, honor our priests and the holy men of Our Lord, and give aid to the churches and monasteries.” (Ep. 14C. 251).

“Rather than that your so-called bishops would be satisfied by hostile impiety toward the Church of God, they have aimed to show off their rebellion against the government of the Church of God to the governors of that place, and to the Great Ruler,[2] the chief of the rulers of this time, and they have in reality been despised by the governors just as their rebellion deserved.” (Ep. 18C. 266).

[1]An Early Christian Reaction to Islam”, Gorgias Press 2019.

[2] Halife Osman (644–656)

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