6 Nisan 2023 Perşembe

XXV Edessene Kıyameti (690-694 arası)

 Edessene Kıyameti (690-694 arası)




Edessene Apocalypse veya Edessene Fragmanı bir kıyamet metnidir. Eksik sayfalar nedeniyle orijinal başlık korunmamıştır; geleneksel başlık, içerik ağırlıklı olarak Edessa'ya odaklandığı için modern bilim adamları tarafından icat edildi. Metin, Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius'un değiştirilmiş şema ile gözden geçirilmiş ve kısaltılmış bir versiyonudur. Edessene Apocalypse, iki Doğu Suriye el yazmasında kısmen korunmuştur. Paris Süryanice 350'de, kolofonu 1646'ya tarihlenen risalelerden oluşan bir koleksiyon, metinlerin daha uzun parçalarını içerir.



For a description and discussion of the two extant manuscript-fragments see Nau, pp. 423-25, and Reinink, p. 31, nn. 1-5.

S.P. Brock, ‘Two related apocalyptic texts dated AD 691/2’, in A.N; Palmer, The seventh century in the West-Syrian chronicles, Liverpool, 1993, 222-50, esp. pp. 244-50; F.J. Martinez, Eastern Christian apocalyptic in the early Muslim period: Pseudo-Methodius and Pseudo-Athanasius, Washington DC, 1985 (Diss. Catholic University of America) pp. 222-31, 232-46 edition and trans.); H. Suermann, Die geschichtstheologische Reaktion auf die einfallenden Muslime in der edessenischen Apokalyptik des 7. Jahrhunderts, Frankfurt, 1985, pp. 86-97 (reprint of the text after Nau with trans.); F. Nau, ‘Révélations et légendes. Methodius. – Clement. – Andronicus’, Journal asiatique, sér. 11, 9 (1917) 415-71 (erroneously identifies the Edessene Apocalypse as the Syriac original of the Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius); L. Greisiger, ‘Ein nubischer Erlöser-König: Kūš in syrischen Apokalypsen des 7. Jahrhunderts’, in S.G. Vashalomidze and L. Greisiger (eds), Der Christliche Orient und seine Umwelt, Wiesbaden, 2007, 189-213; G.J. Reinink, ‘Early Christian reactions to the building of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem’, Xristianskij Vostok 2 (2001) 227-41 (repr. in G.J. Reinink, Syriac Christianity under late Sasanian and early Islamic rule, Aldershot, 2005); Hoyland, Seeing Islam, pp. 267-70; Brock, ‘Two related apocalyptic texts dated AD 691/2’, 222-50, esp. pp. 243-44; G.J. Reinink, Der edessenische ‘Pseudo-Methodius’, BZ 83 (1990) 31-45 (repr. in Reinink, Syriac Christianity); Martinez, Eastern Christian apocalyptic, pp. 206-21; Suermann, Die geschichtstheologische Reaktion, pp. 162-74; M. Kmosko, Das Rätsel des Pseudomethodius, Byzantion 6 (1931) 273-96 (esp. pp. 285-86, 296, proving that the fragment edited by Nau is not the Syriac original of Ps.-Methodius).

Edessene Apocalypse


“…because of the oppression and evils of the Sons of Hagar. And the East will be devastated by the sword and by many battles. For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and their own sword will fall among them. Armenia will be devastated, along with many cities in Roman territory. And when of the years we spoke about there remain for the Sons of Hagar one and a half weeks—that is, ten and a half years—their oppression will increase. They will take everything gold, silver, bronze, or iron, [even] their clothes, and their entire inhabitation . . . of the dead, so that the living will pass by the dead and say, “Blessed are you who at this time are not among the living.” Seven women will seize a man and say to him . . . , as it is written in the good news of the gospel. And because of oppression, sorrow, and famine, a man will fl ee from his wife and from his sons, and a wife from her husband. Rainfall will diminish, and spring water and the trees’ fruit will come to an end. At that time, because of the Sons of Ishmael’s impiety, all the earth’s bounty will diminish.

Then, when these years that we have mentioned—one and a half weeks—have passed, at the end of 694 years, the king of the Greeks will go forth. And he will have a sign that [now] is in Rome [i.e., Constantinople]: the nails that were in our lord Christ’s hands and in the thief’s hands. They had been mixed with one another, and one did not know the Lord’s [nails] from the other’s. So they threw them all together into a fi re, forged from them a bit (that is a bridle), and hung it in the church. When a horse never having been ridden, nor having ever worn a bridle, comes and of its own accord puts its head into that bridle, the Romans will know that the kingdom of the Christians has arrived. And they will take reign of the entire earth from the Sons of Hagar, etc. And afterward, as it is written, [the king] of the Greeks will hand over his kingdom to God [Ps 68:31]. Until this day, the bridle has remained [there].

Then the king of the Greeks will go out from the west. And his son [will go out] from the south. Then the Sons of Ishmael will fl ee and assemble in Babylon. The king of the Greeks will overtake them in Babylon. From there they will fl ee to the city of Mecca. There their kingdom will end. The king of the Greeks will reign over the entire earth. Bounty will return to the earth. Rainfall, the trees’ fruit, ocean and river fi sh will [all] multiply. There will be peace and quiet over all creation, all nations, and all people. Then the living will again pass by the dead, but they will say, “Blessed would you be [if] today [you were] among the living in this kingdom.”

The kingdom of the Greeks will endure for 208 years. Afterward, sin in the world will again multiply. Once again in streets and assemblies [there will be] open and public fornication, as of beasts, and the earth will become defi led with sin.

Then the gates of Armenia will be opened, and Gog and Magog will go forth. They consist of twenty-four tribes and twenty-four languages. When King Alexander saw them eating the earth’s vermin, every defi lement, human fl esh, the dead, and every abomination, as well as performing magic and all evil deeds, [he] assembled them and forced them into those mountains and confi ned them there. He asked God to bring the mountains together. And it was so. But there remained between the mountains a twenty-cubit opening. He blocked that opening with stones called magnets that stick to iron, extinguish fi re when they touch it, and are unaffected by magic.

At the end of ages, these gates will be opened, and they will go forth. They will defi le the earth. They will take a son from his mother’s lap, kill him, and give him to his mother to cook. If she does not eat him, they will kill her. They will eat mice and all abominable vermin. God’s mercy will be removed from the earth’s inhabitants. Men will see all sorts of evil in their days— famine, drought, frost, cold, and much oppression—such that men will bury themselves alive in the ground. If God were not to shorten these days, all fl esh would die.

Some say that they will reign two years and eight months, from when they go forth until they perish. When they have gone about the entire earth and reigned over the whole world, God will have mercy upon his servants. He will gather them to the land where the Sons of Ishmael perished, that is to Mecca. Then God will command the angels to stone them with hailstones so that all of them perish and none remain. In their days, weights and measures will be abolished. Their faces will be hideous, and everyone who sees them will hate and fear them. The height of one of them will be an arm’s [length].

At that time, the Son of Destruction (who will be called the Antichrist) will go forth. Through deceit and falsehood he will seize the world without [using] a sword. His sin will exceed that of Satan. This is what Jacob-Israel said to his sons: “Gather round and I will show you what will happen to you at the end of days” [Gen 49:1]. He was referring them to [this] time. What our Lord referred to will be fulfi lled. That is, Satan will unite with the Antichrist. And just as the divinity united with humanity and performed signs and wonders, [so too the Antichrist] will make public (but useless) signs. He will spread strange and false rumors. Through falsehood and magic he will raise the dead and [heal] the crippled and the blind.

He will be born in Tyre, [grow up] in Sidon, and dwell in Capernaum. Therefore our Lord [said], “Woe to you, Chorazin. Woe to you, Bethsaida, and you, Capernaum. How long will you be exalted? You will be brought down to Sheol” [Mt 11:21–23; Lk 10:13–15]. Without a battle, he will reign over the entire world and say that he is Christ. Along with his following, he will go from place to place. He will have with him many thousands of demons, an innumerable multitude. He will abolish off erings and altars. Crowds of Jews will be the fi rst to come and be led astray by him, and they will say that he is Christ. Brides will abandon their husbands and go after him. He will reign over the entire earth. But he will not enter the city of Edessa. For God has blessed and protected it. And he will not enter these four monasteries, which will endure [as] the foremost in the world. Finally, he will enter Jerusalem and the temple, as it was said in the Gospel, “When you see the abominable sign in the holy place” [Mt 24:15] ([that is], iniquity, sin, and fornication, for the abominable sign is the Antichrist). And when he enters Jerusalem, Enoch and Elijah will then go out from the land of the living. They will rise up, disputing and cursing him. When he sees them, he will dissolve like salt in water, and he and the demons who entered him will be judged before [other] men [are].

Afterward, the king of the Greeks will come to Jerusalem and ascend Golgotha, where our savior was crucifi ed. Our Lord’s cross will be in his hand. The king of the Greeks will be a descendant of Kushyat, daughter of Kushyat from the king of Kush, who are called Nubians. And when [the king of the Greeks] ascends [with] the cross in his hand, the crown that descended from heaven onto the head of the former emperor Jovian will pass over the top of the Lord’s cross. [The king of the Greeks] will raise the cross and crown toward heaven. Gabriel, the chief of the angels, will descend and take the cross and crown and bring them up to heaven. Then the king, everyone upon the earth, all animals, and all livestock will die. Because his glory does not need light or anything else, nothing will remain alive, [not even] that light which God created for the children of Adam, the sinner. The stars will drop like leaves and the earth return to as it was: empty and void.

When all these creations are abolished, immediately, in the blink of an eye, the horn and trumpet will sound. The good and the evil will be gathered because there is a single resurrection for everyone. Pangs will strike the earth, as of a woman about to give birth, and Adam and all his children will go forth. No one will remain without being immediately resurrected. Then a light greater than the light of the sun will rise from the east. Our lord Jesus Christ will come like lightning and fulfi ll everything that the prophet David said: “A strong voice will go out from the east and be heard in heaven” [Ps 68:22]. The light [will distinguish] between the good and the evil. [The good] will see the unequalled light, the likes of which has never been seen, because there is a single resurrection for all but not a single reward. [As] for sinners, there will be no torment greater than not seeing that light.

Then the hour of reckoning and judgment will come. The judgment is the separation of the [good] from the evil. Language and speech will cease, and the good and the evil will both go forth for judgment. The good will ascend to heaven, and the evil will remain upon the earth. This is Gehenna for the evil. As the teacher Mār Ephrem said, “The fi re is within the person himself like a hot fever. Gehenna is in them.” Thus the good will ascend to heaven and to the kingdom. There will not be a single reward for them. Rather, at that time, everyone will be rewarded in accord with what they have done. ”

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