19 Nisan 2023 Çarşamba

XXX George of Rişʿayna (7.Yüzyıl)

        George of Rişʿayna (7.Yüzyıl)


7. yüzyılda yaşamış bir Süryani tarihçisiydi. Monoteletizme karşı ortodoksinin savunucusu olan İtirafçı Maximus (ö.662)'a karşıydı ve onun düşmanca bir biyografisini yazdı. Kudüslü Sophronios'un (ö.638) hayatını da yazmıştır


El yazması, British Museum Add. 7192, ff. 72b-78b.


Sebastian Paul Brock, “An Early Syriac Life of Maximus the Confessor” Analecta Bollandiana vol. 91 (1973), s: 300, 315-316, 321, 332-336); Ugo Zanetti and Claude Detienne, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca” In the 1990, Hoyland, “Seeing Islam As Others Saw It”, s.141.

George of Resh'aina, Syriac Life of Maximus

“17. Now Maximos confined himself in a small cell out of fear ofthe emperor and the patriarchs who had anathematized his teaching. Serving him was Anastasios his pupil, as well as his own disciple Sergios. He stayed in this cell until the Arabs appeared and tookcontrol of Syria and many other areas.”

“18. And because heresy is accustomed to join forces with paganism, and to take strength to establish itself as a result of some punishment sent, this wretch (i.e. Maximos), seeing that the land was in the contro! of the Arabs and there was no longer anyone to restrain and nullify his doctrine, manifested his fraudulence once again openly, and began to sow his teaching among certain individuals in the regions of Syria. And because the victorious emperor Heraklios had died, together with Konstantinos his son and Herakleon and his mother, and Konstans son of Konstantinos, (still) a young child, had received the Roman empire, and because Africa was in rebellion against the emperor at this time, Maximos was encouraged, and at once took Anastasios and the other brethren with him, and they went up and came to Africa.”

20. After they had sown their tares and led astray as many as they could in Africa, even deceiving the eparch there, whose name was George (GYWRGY), they then removed from there and came to Sicily, fear of the Arabs having disturbed them — for by their agency the wrath of God had reached the whole of Africa. And when they had made the rounds of all the islands of the sea, they then went up to Rome itself, and by means of their deceitfulness even Martinos the patriarch there was ensnared, and he fully accepted his doctrine, with the result that he gathered a synod of 190 bishops to confirm the doctrine of Maximos.

22. And (all) this "RMG[]BWLQR’, who succeeded Theodoros the emperor’s brother, told me when he came down to pray in the holy city Jerusalem, when there was peace between Mo‘awia, the Arab emir, and the emperor Konstans. And all the other things which I am about to write down concern Maximos and Anastasios and those monks who fled from Africa in the face of the Arabs, and went up to Rome to the afore-mentioned Martinos ; for I have taken great care to write down this history truthfully.

23. After Maximos went up to Rome the Arabs seized control of the islands of the sea, and entered Cyprus and Arvad, ravaging them and taking (their inhabitants) captive ; and they gained control over Africa and subdued virtually all the islands of the Mediterranean (lit. the sea). For, following the wicked Maximos, the wrath of God punished every place which had accepted his error.

24. The students who had been in the monastery of Hippo Diarrhytus (PN’ ZRTWS), which we mentioned above, fled in front of the Arabs, and came up to Rome, where they were received by Martinos as having the same faith as he, and he gave them a monastery, called in the Latin tongue Cellae novae  (QLWNWBWS), which means ‘nine cells’. And they remained in their error, leading astray all they could.

25. And when Maximos saw that Rome had accepted the foul mire of his blasphemies, he also went down to Constantinople at the time when Mo‘awia made peace with the emperor Konstans, having started a war with Abû Turâb, the emir of Hirta, at Siffin, and defeated him. The emperor Konstans was in Azorbaijan (‘DRWYGN), and at that point Maximos entered Constantinople, hoping to corrupt it too with his deception, just as everywhere else.

26. Maximos immediately went and stayed at a convent of nuns, called Plakidias (PLQYDS), which was in the city; and through his wickedness he was able to lead them astray away from the truth, and he [taught] them his pernicious belief, and he [      ] in the throw[ing] of the offering of [    ]

“25. And when Maximos saw that Rome had accepted the foul mire of his blasphemies, he also went down to Constantinople at the time when Mo‘awia made peace with the emperor Konstans, having started a war with Abii Turab, the emir of Hirta, at Siffin, and defeated him. The emperor Konstans was in Azorbaijan (DRWYGN), and at that point Maximos entered Constantinople, hoping to corrupt it too with his deception, just as everywhere else

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