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iki Süryanice metinden biridir. Yazarı bilinmiyor.
Chronicon miscellaneum ad annum Domini
724 pertinens (artık uygun olmadığı düşünülen bir başlık), British Library,
Ms. Add'de bulunan 8. yüzyıldan kalma
bir el yazmasında bulunan Süryanice dilindeki tarih yazımı metinlerinin bir
koleksiyonudur. Yazması British Library Additional 14,643 (fol. 1-57)
numarasıyla bilinmektedir.
Başlık, Jean-Baptiste Chabot
tarafından 1904'te CSCO koleksiyonundaki Latince çevirisine verilen başlıktır.
O zamandan beri, son iki sayfayı kapsayan metnin (724'te ölen II. Yezid'e kadar
saltanat süreleriyle birlikte halifelerin bir listesinin izlediği Muhammed
hakkında kısa bir not), Arapça bir orijinal, sekizinci yüzyıl katibi tarafından
eklenmiştir, ancak yukarıdakiyle ilgisi yoktur. Bu son belge, metnin 1862'de
JPN Land tarafından Anecdota Suriye'de Liber Chalipharum olarak
adlandırıldığını açıklıyor., hala oldukça yeni kitaplarda bulunan bir başlık.
Nihai belgeden önce gelenlerde, hiçbir şey 640 yılından öteye
geçmez (ve son tarihli olay 636'dır). Herakleios'a otuz yıllık saltanat atfeden
kronolojik bir pasajda 640 yılı ima edilmektedir ve bu imparator sözü edilen
tarihsel düzende sonuncudur. Herakleios Şubat 641'de öldüğünden, metne son
dokunuşların önceki aylarda yapılmış olması muhtemeldir.
Benjamin Harris Cowper, Syriac Miscellanies; or Extracts Relating
to the First and Second General Councils, and Various other Quotations
Theological, Historical, & Classical. London: Williams and Norgate,
Selections from the Chronicle to 724 were translated on pp. 75-92, 1861; Jan
Pieter Nicolaas Land (éd.), Anecdota Syriaca, t. I, Leyde, E. J. Brill, p. 1-24
(texte syriaque), p. 103-122 (traduction latine) (édition partielle, seulement
la seconde partie à partir de Constantin) 1862; Jan
Pieter Nicolaas Land, Ed., Symbolae Syriacae, vol. 1, 4 vol. Leiden: E.J.
Brill, First edited by Land on pages 1–24, 1867; Ernest Walter Brooks, Ed.,
Chronica Minora II [Textus]. Leipzig; Paris: Otto Harrassowitz; Poussielgue,
Specifically pp. 77–155, 1904; Sebastian Paul Brock, “Syriac Historical
Writing: A Survey of the Main Sources”, Journal of the Iraqi Academy, Syriac
Corporation, vol. 5, pp. 297-326, 1979; Andrew Palmer, « Une chronique syriaque
contemporaine de la conquête arabe : essai d'interprétation théologique et
politique », dans Pierre Canivet (dir.), La Syrie de Byzance à l'Islam
(viie – viiie siècle), Damas, Institut français d'études arabes de Damas, p.
31-46. 1992; Andrew Palmer, The Seventh Century in the West-Syriac Chronicles, introduced,
translated and annoted by A. Palmer, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, p.
11-24 (traduction anglaise des parties de la chronique concernant le viie
siècle) 1993; Alfred-Louis de Prémare, Les Fondations de l'islam, Entre
écriture et histoire, édition du Seuil, 2002; James Howard-Johnston, Witnesses
to a World Crisis : Historians and Histories of the Middle East in the Seventh
Century, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010; Jack Tannous, Ed., “List of
Caliphs Translation”. 2012.
Ernest Walter Brooks (éd.), Chronica minora II = CSCO, vol. 3
(Scriptores Syri, vol. 3), p. 77-156 ; traduction latine par Jean-Baptiste Chabot,
CSCO, vol. 4 (Scriptores Syri, vol. 4), p. 61-119, Paris, 1904.
Chronicle Ad 724
Memorial of the
life of Mahomet, (prophet) of God.
After he
entered his city, and three months before he en- tered. From his first year,
and how long every king, who after him ruled over the Mahagroye, lived, after they
became kings, and how long there was faction among them : three months before
Mahomed came.
And Mahomed
lived ten years.
And Abubecr,
son of Abucohapha, two years and six months.
And Omar, son
of Katab, ten years and three months.
And Othman, son
of Aphan, twelve years.
And a sedition
after Othman, five years and four months.
And Mohawiya,
son of Abusaiphan, nineteen years and two months.
And Yezid, son
of Mohawiya, three years and eight months.
And a sedition
after Yezid, nine months.
And Merwan, son
of Hakem, nine months.
And Ebed
l'Melek, son of Merwan, twenty-one years and one month.
Walid, son of
Ebed l'Melek, nine years and one month.
And Soliman,
son of Ebed l'Melek, two years and nine months.
And Omar, son
of Ebed l'Aziz, two years and five months.
And Yezid, son
of Ebed l'Melek, four years, one month, and two days.
We reckon all these years at 104, five months and two days.
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