9 Mayıs 2023 Salı

XXXVII Nikiu Kroniği Yahya (ö. Yaklaşık 690)

 Nikiu Kroniği Yahya (ö. Yaklaşık 690)


Nikiû'lu Yuhanna (y. 680-690) Nil Deltası'ndaki Nikiû'nun (Paşati) Mısırlı bir Kıpti piskoposu ve 696'da Yukarı Mısır manastırlarının genel yöneticisiydi. Hayatı hakkında çok az bilinmektedir. Hakkındaki bilgiler Aşmunein'li Severus/İbn-i Mukaffa’nın (ö.987) “Patriklerin Tarihi”de toplanmıştır. 696'da Yukarı Mısır manastırlarının genel yöneticisiydi. Âdem'den Müslümanların Mısır'ı fethinin sonuna kadar uzanan bir kroniğin yazarıdır.


Kronik büyük olasılıkla Yunanca yazılmıştır Etiyopya/Ge’ez versiyonu bize ulaşmıştır. 1602'de Arapça aslının tercümesi yapılmıştır. John’un kroniğinin en önemli bölümü, Amr b. el-Âs’ın Müslüman orduları tarafından Mısır'ın fethi ile ilgili bölümleridir. Muhtemelen bir görgü tanığı olmasa da, John büyük olasılıkla fetihten hemen sonraki yaşamıştır.


Étienne Marc Quatremère, “Mémoires géographiques et historiques sur l’Égypte, et sur quelques contrées voisines”. Recueillis et extraits Des Manuscrits Coptes, Arabes, etc., de la Bibliothéque [sic] Impériale, I (Paris: F. Schoell, 1811); Hermann Zotenberg, “Catalogue des manuscrits éthiopiens (gheez et amharique) de la Bibliothèque nationale”, Manuscrits Orientaux (Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1877); “Mémoire sur la chronique byzantine de Jean, évêque de Nikiou”, Journal Asiatique, Septième série, 10 (1877), 451–517; “Mémoire sur la chronique byzantine de Jean, évêque de Nikiou”, Journal Asiatique, Septième série, 12 (1878), 245–347; “Mémoire sur la chronique byzantine de Jean, évêque de Nikiou”, Journal Asiatique, Septième série, 13 (1879), 291–386; “Chronique de Jean, évêque de Nikiou: texte éthiopien”, ed., tr. H. Zotenberg, Extrait des Notices des Manuscrits, 24/1 (Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1883); Theodor Nöldeke, “Review of Hermann Zotenberg, ed., tr., Chronique de Jean, évêque de Nikiou: texte éthiopien, Extrait des Notices des Manuscrits 24/1” (Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1883)’, Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen, 2 (1883), 1364–1374; Antoine Thomson d'Abbadie 1859. “Catalogue raisonné de manuscrits éthiopiens appartenant à Antoine d’Abbadie” (Paris: Imprimerie impériale, 1859); Émile Amélineau 1890. Histoire du patriarche copte Isaac: Étude critique, texte et traduction, ed., tr. É. Amélineau (Paris: Ernest Leroux éditeur, 1890); La géographie de l’Égypte à l’époque copte (Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1893); “La conquête de l’Égypte par les Arabes”, Revue Historique, 119 (1915), 273–310; Johannes Bachmann, “Das Leben und die Sentenzen des Philosophen Secundus des Schweigsamen—Nach dem Äthiopischen und Arabischen”, Inaugural­Dissertation, Friedrichs­Universität Halle­Wittenberg (1887); “Die Philosophie des Neopythagoreers Secundus” Linguistisch­philosophische Studie (Berlin: Mayer & Müller, 1888). William Wright, “Catalogue of the Ethiopic Manuscripts in the British Museum Acquired since the Year 1847” (Piccadilly: Longmans & CO., Covent Garden–Berlin: Asher & CO., 1877);

Louisa Butcher, “The Story of the Church of Egypt, Being an Outline of the History of the Egyptians under their Successive Masters from the Roman Conquest until Now, I” (London: Smith, Elder, and Co., 1897); Arthur John Butler, “The Arab Conquest of Egypt and the Last Thirty Years of the Roman Dominion” (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1902); Edgar J. 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B. Evetts, Patrologia Orientalis, 5/1 (Paris: Firmin­Didot et Cie, imprimeurs­éditeurs, 1947); Lanfranco Ricci, “Letterature dell’Etiopia”, in O. Botto, ed., Storia delle letterature d’Oriente, I (Milano: Casa editrice Dr. Francesco Vallardi società editrice libraria, 1969), 803–911; Hans Ferdinand Fuhs, “Die äthiopische Übersetzung des Propheten Hosea:” Edition und textkritischer Kommentar nach den Handschriften in Berlin, Cambridge, Frankfurt am Main, London, München, Oxford, Paris und Wien, ed., tr. H. F. Fuhs, Bonner biblische Beiträ- ge, 38 (Bonn: Peter Hanstein Verlag, 1971); Vasiliy Sirotenko, “Pis’mennyje svidetel’stva o bulgarah IV–VII vv. v svete sovremennyh im istoričeskih sobytij” (‘Written sources on Bulgars of the IV–VII centuries in the light of historical circumstances’), in S. 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Cerulli, ed., IV Congresso Internazionale di Studi Etiopici (Roma, 10–15 aprile 1972), II: Sezione linguistica, Problemi attuali di scienza e di cultura, 191 (Roma: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1974), 127–137; Stefan Strelcyn, “Catalogue des manuscrits éthiopiens de l’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei: Fonds Conti Rossini et Fonds Caetani 209, 375, 376, 377, 378,” Indici e Sussidi Bibliografici della Biblioteca, 9 (Roma: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1976); Claude Sumner, “Ethiopian Philosophy, IV: The Life and Maxims of Ske̳nde̳s” (Addis Ababa: Ministry of Culture and Sports–Commercial Printing Press, 1981); Stefan Timm, “Das christlich­koptische Ägypten in arabischer Zeit: Eine Sammlung christlicher Stätten in Ägypten in arabischer Zeit, unter Ausschluß von Alexandria, Kairo, des Apa­Mena­Klosters (Dēr Abū Mina), der Skētis (Wādi n­Naṭrūn) und der Sinai­Region” III: G–L, Beihefte zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, Reihe B, Geisteswissenschaften, 41/3 (Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert, 1985); Hugh Kennedy, “Egypt as a province in the Islamic caliphate, 641–868”, in C. F. Petry, ed., The Cambridge History of Egypt, I: Islamic Egypt, 640–1517 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998), 62–85; Tito Orlandi, “Elementi di lingua e letteratura copta: corso di lezioni universitarie” (Milano: La Goliardica, 1970). — 1998. “Koptische Literatur”, in M. Krause, ed., Ägypten in Spätantik­Christlicher Zeit: Einführung in die koptische Kultur, Sprachen und Kulturen des christlichen Orients, 4 (Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1998), 117–147; Aziz S. Atiya, ed., The Coptic Encyclopedia, V, VI (New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1991); Terry G. Wilfong, “The non­Muslim communities: Christian communities”, in Carl F. Petry, ed., The Cambridge History of Egypt, I: Islamic Egypt, 640–1517 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998), 175–197; Miguel A. 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https://archive.org/details/CharlesTheChronicleOfJohnBishopOfNikiuTranslatedFromZotenbergsEthiopicText (13.09.2022).

https://archive.org/details/JohnOfNikiuChronicle1916/page/n9/mode/2up (13.09.2022).

https://www.tertullian.org/fathers/nikiu2_chronicle.htm (13.09.2022).

John Bishop of Nikiu: Chronicle


CHAPTER CX (CXI). Concerning the appearance of the Moslem on the confines of Fîjum and the defeat of the Romans who dwelt there.

CHAPTER CXI (CXII). Concerning the first encounter of ‘Amar with the Romans at the city of ‘Awn (i. e. Heliopolis).

CHAPTER CXII (CXIII). How all the Jews assembled in the city of Manûf owing to their fear of the Moslem, the cruelties of ‘Amar and the seizure of their possessions till (at last) they left the gates of Misr open and fled to Alexandria. And how wicked men multiplied in the beginning of wickedness and began to help (‘Amar) to destroy the people of Egypt.

CHAPTER CXIII (CXIV). How the people of Samnûd so flouted ‘Amar as to refuse to receive him: and concerning the return of Kalâdî to the Romans: and how they seized his mother and his wife -now he had hidden them in Alexandria- because he had joined and helped the Moslem.

CHAPTER CXIV (CXV). How the Moslem took Misr in the fourteenth year of the cycle and made the fortress of Babylon open its gates in the fifteenth year.

CHAPTER CXV (CXVI). Concerning the death of the emperor Heraclius and the return of Cyrus the Patriarch from exile and his departure for Mesr to pay tribute to the Moslem.

CHAPTER CXVI (CXVII). How God gave the Romans into the hands of the Moslem and rejected them because of their incredulity and their divisions and the persecution which they had brought on the Christians of Egypt.

Chapter CXVII (CXVIII). How 'Amar got possession of Absâdi, that is, Niqîjûs : and (concerning) the flight of the general Domitian and the destruction of his army in the river, and the great massacre which took place in the city of Absâdi, and in all the remaining cities — till 'Amar came to the island of Sawnâ — which were under the sway of Absâi and its island on the eighteenth day of the month Genbot, in the fifteenth year of the cycle.

Chapter CXVIII. How the Moslem got possession of Caesarea in Palestine and the trials that overtook it.

Chapter CXIX. Concerning the great earthquake and the loss of life in Crete both in their island and in all their cities round about.

Chapter CXX. Concerning Cyrus the Patriarch of the Chalcedonians — the same who went to Babylon and to 'Amar the chief of the Moslem and took the tribute in a vessel and paid it into his hands. And further how 'Amar increased the taxes of the Egyptians: and concerning the death of Cyrus the Chalcedonian after he had repented of having delivered the city of Alexandria into the hands of the Moslem.

Chapter CXXI. Concerning the return of Abbâ Benjamin the patriarch of Egypt from his exile in the city of Rîf (where he had been) fourteen years, and of these (he had been there) ten years because the Roman emperors had exiled him, and four under the dominion of the Moslem. And concerning the remaining history with the conclusion of the work.

Chapter CXXII. A second epilogue concluding this history….

Chapter CXI. 1. Now Theodore was commander-in-chief in Egypt. And when the messengers of Theodosius the prefect of Arcadia informed him regarding the death of John, general of the local levies, he thereupon turned with all the Egyptian troops and his auxiliary forces and marched to Lôkjôn, which is an island. 2. Moreover he feared lest, owing to the dissensions prevailing amongst the inhabitants of that district, the Moslem should come and seize the coast of Lôkjôn and dislodge the communities of the servants of God who were subjects of the Roman emperor. 3. And his lamentations were more grievous than the lamentations of David over Saul when he said: “How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished!” For not only had John the general of the forces perished, but likewise John the general, who was of. the city of Mârôs, had been slain in battle and fifty horsemen with him.

4. I will acquaint you briefly with what befell the former in habitants of Fajûm.

5. John and his troops, the warriors whom we have just mentioned, had been appointed by the Romans to guard the district. Now these posted other guards near the rock of the city of Lâhûn in order to keep guard continually, and to give information to the chief of the forces of the movements of their enemies. 6. And subsequently they got ready some horsemen and a body of soldiers and archers, and these marched out to fight the Moslem, purposing to prevent the advance of the Moslem. 7. And subsequently the Moslem directed their march to the desert and seized a large number of sheep and goats from the high grounds without the cognizance of the Egyptians. 8. And when they reached the city of Bahnasâ, all the troops on the banks of the river came (to the succour) with John, but were unable on that occasion to reach Fajûm.

9. And the general Theodosius, hearing of the arrival of the Ishmaelites, proceeded from place to place in order to see what was likely to befall from these enemies. 10. And these Ishmaelites came and slew without mercy the commander of the troops and all his companions. And forthwith they compelled the city to open its gates, and they put to the sword all that surrendered, and they spared none, whether old men, babe, or woman. 11. And they proceeded against the general John. And he took all the horses : and they hid themselves in the enclosures and plantations lest their enemies should discover them. Then they arose by night and marched to the great river of Egypt, to Abuit, in order to secure their safety. Now this matter was from God.

12. And the chief of the faction who was with Jeremiah informed the Moslem troops of the Roman soldiers who were hidden. And so these took them prisoners and put them to death. 13. And tidings of these events were brought to the general Theodosius, and to Anastasius, who were then twelve miles distant from Nakius. And they betook themselves immediately to the citadel of Babylon, and they remained there, sending the general Leontius to the city of Abûit. 14. Now he was obese in person, quite without energy and unacquainted with warlike affairs. And when he arrived he found the Egyptian troops and Theodore fighting with the Moslem and making sorties every day from the city of Fajûm in order to (re)take the city. And taking half the troops he returned to Babylon in order to acquaint the governors (with the state of affairs), and the other half of the troops remained with Theodore.

15. And Theodore sought with great diligence for the body of John, who had been drowned in the river. And with much lamentation he had the body drawn forth in a net, and placed in a bier and sent to the governors, who also (in turn) sent it to Heraclius.

16. And such (of the Romans) as were in Egypt sought refuge in the citadel of Babylon. And they were also awaiting the arrival of the general Theodore in order to join with him in attacking the Ishmaelites before the rise of the river and the time of sowing, when they could not make war lest their sowings should be destroyed (and) they should die of famine together with their children and cattle.

Chapter CXII. 1. Moreover, there prevailed great indignation between Theodore the general and the governors owing to the charges brought by the emperor. 2. And both 2 Theodosius and Anastasius went forth to the city of Ôn, on horseback, together with a large body of foot soldiers, in order to attack ‘Amr the son of Al-âs. Now the Moslem had not as yet come to know the city of Misr. 3. And paying no attention to the fortified cities they came to a place named Tendunias, and embarked on the river. 4. And ‘Amir showed great vigilance and strenuous thought in his attempts to capture the city of Misr. But he was troubled because of his separation from (a part of) the Moslem troops, who being divided into two corps on the east of the river were marching towards a city named 'Ain Shams, i. e. Ôn, which was situated on high ground. 5. And ‘Amr the son of Al-âs sent a letter to Omar the son of Al-Khattâb in the province of Palestine to this effect: ‘If thou dost not send: Moslem reinforcements, I shall not be able to take Misr.’ 6. And he sent him 4,000 Moslem warriors. And their general's name was Walwârjâ. He was of barbarian descent. 7. And he divided his troops into three corps. One corps he placed near Tendunias, the second to the north of Babylon in Egypt; and he made his preparations with the third corps near the city of Ôn. 8. And he gave the following orders: “Be on the watchl, so that when the Roman troops come out to attack us, you may rise up in their rear, whilst we shall be on their front, and so having got them between us, we shall put them to the sword.’ 9. And thus when the Roman troops, unaware (of this design), set out from the fortress to attack the Moslem, these Moslem thereupon fell upon their rear, as they had arranged, and a fierce engagement ensued. And when the Moslem came in great numbers against them, the Roman troops fled and betook themselves to the ships. 10. And the Moslem army took possession of the city of Tendunias; for its garrison had been destroyed, and there survived only 300 soldiers. And these fled and withdrew into the fortress and closed the gates. But when they saw the great slaugbter that had taken place, they were seized with panic and fled by ship to Nakius in great grief and sorrow. 11. And when Domentianus of the city of Fajûm heard of these events, he set out by night , without informing the inhabitants of (A)bûît that he was fleeing to escape the Moslem, and they proceeded to Nakius by ship. 12. And when the Moslem learnt that Domentianus had fled, they marched joyously and seized the city of Fajûm and (A)bûît, and they shed much blood there.

CHAPTER XIII. 1. And after the capture of Fajûm with all its territory by the Moslem, ‘Amr sent Abâkîrî of the city of Dalâs requesting him to bring the ships of Rîf in order to transport to the east bank of the river the Ishmaelites who were upon the west. 2. And he mustered all his troops about him in order to carry on a vigorous warfare. And he sent orders to the prefect George to construct for him a bridge on the river of the city Qaljûb with a view to the capture of all the cities of Misr, and likewise of Athrîb and Kuerdîs·. And people began to help the Moslem. 3. And -(the Moslem) captured the cities of Athrib and Mamlf, and an their territories. And he had moreover a great bridge constructed over the river near Babylon in Egypt to prevent the passage of ships to Nakius, Alexandria, and upper Egypt, and to make it possible for horses to cross from the western to the eastern bank of the river. And so they effected the submission of all the province of Misr. 4. But ‘Amr was not satisfied with what he had already done, and so he had the Roman magistrates arrested, and their hands and feet confined in iron and wooden bonds. And he forcibly despoiled (them) of much of (their) possession, and he doubled the taxes on the peasants and forced them to carry fodder for their horses, and he perpetrated innumerable acts of violence. 5. And such of the governors as were in the city of Nakius fled and betook themselves to the city of Alexandria, leaving Domentianus with a few troops to guard the city. And they sent orders also to Dares the chief officer in the city of Samnûd to guard the two rivers. 6. Then a panic fell on all the cities of Egypt, and all their inhabitants took to flight, and made their way to Alexandria, abandoning all their possessions and wealth and cattle.

Chapter CXIV. 1. And when those Moslem, accompanied by the Egyptians who had apostatized from the Christian faith and embraced the faith of the beast, had come up, the Moslem took as a booty all the possessions of the Christians who had fled, and they designated the servants of Christ enemies of God. 2. And ‘Amr left a large body of his men in the citadel of Babylon in Egypt, and marched in person towards the two rivers in the direction of the east against the general Theodore. 3. But the latter dispatched Jeqbarî and Satfârî to seize the city of Samnûd (and) fight with the Moslem. And when they came to the body of local levies, they all refused to war against the Moslem. And they indeed gave battle and put to the sword many of the Moslem (and of those) who were with them. 4. And the Moslem were not able to inflict any injury on the cities which lay on the two rivers; because the water served as a rampart, and the horses could not enter them because of the deep water which surrounded them. 5. And so leaving them they marched towards the province of Rîf and arrived at the city of Bûsîr. And they fortified this city and likewise the approaches which they had previously seized.

6. And in those days the general Theodore went to Kalâdji, and besought him saying: “Come back to us, come back to the side of Rome” And Kalâdji, fearing lest they should put to death his mother and wife, (who) were concealed in Alexandria, gave Theodore a great sum of money. 7. And the general Theodore prevailed on Kalâdji, and the latter arose in the night, while the Moslem were asleep, and marching on foot with his men he came to the general Theodore. 8. And thence he proceeded to the city of Nakius and formed a junction with Domentianus in order to war against the Moslem.

9. And subsequently Sabendîs devised an excellent plan and so escaped out of the hands of the Moslem by night. And he betook himself to Damietta to the prefect John. 10. And he indeed sent him to Alexandria with a letter . . . confessing his fault to the governors with many tears in these words: “I have done this deed because of the blow and the ignominy which John inflicted upon me without showing any consideration for (my) old age. For this reason I joined the Moslem. Heretofore I was a zealous servant of the Romans”

Chapter CXV. 1. And ‘Amr the chief of the Moslem spent twelve months in warring against the Christians of Northern Egypt, but failed nevertheless in reducing their cities. 2. And in the fifteenth year of the cycle, during the summer, he marched on the cities of Sakâ, and Tûkû-Dâmsis, 2 being impatient to subdue the Egyptians before the rise of the river. But he was unable to do them any hurt. 3. And in the city of Damietta they also refused to admit him, and he sought to burn their crops. 4. And he began to march back to the troops that were in the fortress of Babylon in Egypt. And he gave them all the †booty which lie had taken from the city of Alexandria. 5. And he destroyed the houses of the Alexandrians who had fled †, and he took their wood and iron and gave orders for the construction of a road from the fortress of Babylon to the city of the two rivers, in order that they might burn that city with fire. 6. And the inhabitants of that city on hearing of this project took to flight with their possessions, and abandoned their city, and the Moslem burned that city with lire. But the inhabitants of that city came by night and ex- tinguished the fire. 7. And the Moslem marched against other cities to war against them, and they despoiled the Egyptians of their possessions and dealt cruelly with them. 8. But the generals Theodore and Domentianus were unable to do any injury to the inhabitants of the city on account of the Moslem who were amongst them.

9. And ‘Amr left lower 1 Egypt and proceeded to war against Rîf. He sent a few Moslem against the city of Antinoe. And when the Moslem saw the weakness of the Romans and the hostility of the people to the emperor Heraclius, because of persecution wherewith he had visited all the land of Egypt in regard to the orthodox faith, at the instigation of Cyrus the Chalcedonian patriarch, they became bolder and stronger in the war. 10. And the inhabitants of the city (Antinoe) sought to concert measures with J ohn their prefect with a view to attacking the Moslem; but he refused, and arose with haste with his troops, and, having collected all the imposts of the city, betook himself to Alexandria; for he knew that he could not resist the Moslem, and (he feared) lest he should meet with the same fate as the garrison of Fajûm. 11. Indeed, all the inhabitants of the province submitted to the Moslem, and paid them tribute. And they put to the sword all the Roman soldiers whom they encountered. And the Roman soldiers were in a fortress, and the Moslem besieged them, and captured their catapults, and demolished their towers, and dislodged them from the fortress. 12. And they strengthened the fortress of Babylon, and they captured the city of Nakius and made them- selves strong there.

Chapter CXVI. 1. And Heraclius was grieved by the death of John the chief of the local levies, and of John the general who had been slain by the Moslem, as well as by the defeat of the Romans that were in the province of Egypt. 2. And in accordance with the decree of God who takes away the souls of rulers, 2 and of men of war as well as of kings, Heraclius fell ill with fever, and died in the thirty-first year of his reign in the month Yakâtit of the Egyptians, that is, February of the Roman months, in the four- teenth year of the lunar cycle, the 357th year of Diocletian. 3. And some said: “The death of Heraclius is due to his stamping the gold coinage with the figures of the three emperors — that is, his own and of his two sons on the right hand and on the left — and so no room was found for inscribing the name of the Roman empire.” And after the death of Heraclius they obliterated those three figures.

4. And when Heraclius the elder died, Pyrrhus, the patriarch of Constantinople, passed over Martina (the daughter of) his (i. e. Heraclius's) sister and her children, and nominated Constantine the son of the empress Eudocia, and made him head of the empire in succession to his father. And the two princes were treated with honour and distinction. 5. And David and Marinus seized Pyrrhus, the Roman Chalcedonian patriarch, and banished him to an island in the west of Africa, without any one being cognizant of what had been fulfilled; for no word of the saints falls (to the ground). 6. Now it happened that the great Severus, patriarch of Antioch, wrote to Caesaria the patrician to the following effect: “No son of a Roman emperor will sit on the throne of his father, so long as the sect of the Chalcedonians bears sway in the World.”

7. And Constantine, the son of Heraclius, oh his accession to the empire mustered a large number of ships, and entrusted them to Kîrjûs and Salâkriûs, and sent them to bring the patriarch Cyrus to him that he might take counsel with him as to the Moslem, that he should fight, if he were able, but, if not, should pay tribute; and that he should meet him in the imperial city on the festival of the holy Resurrection, and to cause all the inhabitants of Constantinople to assemble to carry out the same object. 8. And next he sent orders to Theodore to come to him  and leave Anastasius to guard the city of Alexandria and the cities on the coast. And he held out hope to Theodore that he would send him a large force in the autumn in order to war with the Moslem. 9. And when in conformity to the command of the emperor they had prepared the ships for setting out, the emperor Constantine forthwith fell ill, and was attacked by a severe malady, and he vomited blood, and when the blood was exhausted he forthwith died. And this malady lasted a hundred days, that is, all the days of his reign wherein he reigned after his father Heraclius. And people mocked at Heraclius and his son Constantine.

10. And the members of the party of Gainas assembled in the church in the city of Dafâshîr near the bridge of the Apostle S. Peter. Now Cyrus the patriarch had robbed the church of large possessions in the time of the persecution, without any authorization on the part of the magistrates. 11. And when the Gainites sought to lay hands on the patriarch Cyrus, Eudocianus, the brother of the prefect Domentianus, being immediately apprised (of their purpose), sent troops against them to shoot them with arrows and prevent them from carrying out their intention. Some of them were so severely smitten that they died, while two had their hands cut off without legal sentence. 12. And proclamation was made throughout the city by the voice of a herald in these terms: “Let every one of you withdraw to his own church, and let no one do any violence to his neighbour in defiance of the law.” 13. But God, the Guardian of justice, did not neglect the world, but avenged those who had been wronged: He had no mercy on such as had dealt treacherously against Him, but He delivered them into the hands of the Ishmaelites. 14. And the Moslem thereupon took the field and conquered all the land of Egypt. And after the death of Heraclius, the patriarch Cyrus on his return did not cease (his) severities and persecution against the people of God, but rather added violence to violence.

Chapter CXVII. 1. And ‘Amr the chief of the Moslem forces encamped before the citadel of Babylon and besieged the troops that garrisoned it. 2. Now the latter received his promise that they should not be put to the sword, and on their side undertook to deliver up to him all the munitions of war — now these were considerable. 3. And thereupon he ordered them to evacuate the citadel. And they took a small quantity of gold and set out. And it was in this way that the citadel of Babylon in Egypt was taken on the second day after the (festival of the) Resurrection. 4. Thus God punished them because they had not honoured the redemptive passion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who gave His life for those who believe in Him. Yea, it was for this reason that God made them turn their back upon them (i. e. the Moslem). 5. Now on that day of the festival of the holy Resurrection they released the orthodox that were in prison; but, enemies of Christ as they were, they did not let them go without first ill-using them; but they scourged them and cut off their hands. 6. And on that day these (unhappy ones) wept and their tears poured down their faces and they were spurned, even as it is written regarding those unclean persons: “They have defiled the Church by an unclean faith, and they have wrought apostasies and deeds of violence like the sect of the Arians, such as neither pagan nor barbarian has wrought, and they have despised Christ and His servants, and we have not found any that do the like amongst the worshippers of false idols. 7. But God has been patient with the apostates and heretics who have undergone baptism a second time in submission to despotic emperors. Yet it is the same God who recompenses every man according to his deeds and does justice to him that has been wronged. 8. How then, is it not far better for us to endure patiently the trials and punishments which they inflict upon us? They indeed think to honour our Lord Christ by so doing, whereas they are found to be perverted in their faith. They have not indeed voluntarily apostatized, but they persecute those who agree not with them in faith. God forbid (such agreement)! for they are not servants of Christ: yet they think they are such in their thoughts.”

Chapter CXVIII. 1. Now the capture of the citadel of Babylon and of Nakius by the Moslem was a source of great grief to the Romans. 2. And when ‘Amr had brought to a close the operations of war he made his entry into the citadel of Babylon, and he mustered a large number of ships, great and small, and anchored them close to the fort where he was.

3. And Menas, who was chief of the Green Faction, and Cosmas the son of Samuel, the leader of the Blues, besieged the city of Misr and harassed the Romans during the days of the Moslem. And fighting- men had gone up with fear-inspiring boldness from the western bank of the river in ships, and these made expeditions by night.

4. 'Amr and the Moslem army, on horseback, proceeded by land till they came to the city of Kebrias of Abâdjâ. And on this occasion he attacked the general Domentianus. 5. But when the latter learnt of the approach of the Moslem troops, he embarked on a ship and fled [in a ship] and abandoned the army and their fleet. And he sought to enter the small canal which Heraclius had dug during his reign. But finding it closed he returned and entered the city of Alexandria. 6. Now when the soldiers saw that their commander had taken flight, they cast away their arms and threw themselves into the river in the presence of their enemies. 7. And the Moslem troops slaughtered them with the sword in the river, and none escaped save one man only, named Zechariah, a doughty man and a warrior. 8. And when the crews of the ships saw the flight of the troops, they too took to flight and returned to their own country. And thereupon the Moslem made their entry into Nakius, and took possession, and finding no soldiers (to offer resistance), they proceeded to put to the sword all whom they found in the streets and in the churches, men, women, and infants, and they showed mercy to none. 9. And after they had captured (this) city, they marched against other localities and sacked them and put all they found to the sword. And they came also to the city of † Sa†,  and there they found Esqûtâws and his people in a vineyard, and the Moslem seized them and put them to the sword. Now these were of the family of the general Theodore. 10. Let us now cease, for it is impossible to recount the iniquities perpetrated by the Moslem after their capture of the island of Nakius, on Sunday, the eighteenth day of the month Genbôt, in the fifteenth year of the cycle, and also the horrors committed in the city of Caesarea in Palestine.

11. And the general Theodore, who was in command of the city, even the city of Kîlûlnâs, quitted (this) city and proceeded to Egypt, leaving Stephen with the troops to guard the city and contend with the Moslem. 12. And there was a certain Jew with the Moslem, and he betook himself to the province of Egypt. And when with great toil and exertion they had cast down the walls of the city, they forthwith made themselves masters of it, and put to the sword thousands of its inhabitants and of the soldiers, and they gained an enormous booty, and took the women and children captive and divided them amongst themselves, and they made that city a desolation (lit. destitute). 13. And shortly after the Moslem proceeded against the country (city?) of †Côprôs† and put Stephen and his people to the sword.

Chapter CXIX. 1. And Egypt also had become enslaved to Satan. A great strife had broken out between the inhabitants of Lower Egypt, and these were divided into two parties. Of these, one sided with Theodore, but the other wished to join the Moslem. 2. And straightway the one party rose against the other, and they plundered their possessions and burnt their city. But the Moslem distrusted them.

3. And ‘Amr sent a large force of Moslem against Alexandria, and they captured Kariûn, which lies outside the city. And Theodore and his troops who were in that locality fled and with- drew into Alexandria. 4. And the Moslem began to attack them but were not able to approach the walls of the city ; for stones were hurled against them from the top of the walls, and they were driven far from the city.

5. And the inhabitants of Misr were at variance with those of Lower Egypt, and their strife ran high, but after a short time they made peace. 6. But when their discord came to an end, Satan stirred up another in the city of Alexandria; for Domentianus the prefect and Menas the general were at variance with each other through lust for office and other motives. 7. Now the general Theodore took the side of Menas: he was moreover hostile to Domentianus because of his flight from Nakius and his abandonment of the troops. 8. And with Eudocianus, the elder brother of Domentianus, Menas was very wroth, because he had practised cruelties against the Christians during the season of the holy Passion in regard to the faith. 9. And Domentianus mustered a large force of the “Blues”. And when Menas was apprised of this movement, he too mustered a large force of the f Greens ' and of the troops in the city. And thus these two kept up their hostility…

22. And subsequently he appointed him (Cyrus) a second time to the city of Alexandria) and the priests who were with him. He gave him power and authority to make peace with the Moslem and check any further resistance against them, and to establish a system of administration suitable to the government of the land of Egypt. And he was accompanied by Constantine, a general of the army, who was master of the local levies. 23. And he had the army from the province of Thrace brought to the city of Constantinople, and he banished Philagrius the treasurer to the province of Africa where Pyrrhus had previously been in banishment. 24. And there were great dissensions, and the inhabitants of the city rose up against Martina and her children because of the banishment of Philagrius the treasurer; for he was greatly beloved.

Chapter CXX. 1. Now not only Cyrus the Chalcedonian patriarch desired peace with the Moslem, but also all the people and the patricians and Domentianus, who had enjoyed the favour of the empress Martina— (and so) all these assembled and took counsel with Cyrus the patriarch with a view to making peace with the Moslem.

2. And all the clergy began to stir up odium 2 against the empire of Heraclius the younger, declaring: “It is not fitting that one derived from a reprobate seed should sit on the imperial throne: rather it is the sons of Constantine, who was the son of Eudocia, that should bear sway over the empire” And they rejected the will of the elder Heraclius.

3. And when Valentinus was apprised that all men were united against Martina and her sons, he took large sums of money out of the treasury of Philagrius, and distributed them amongst the soldiers and officers, and prevailed on them to act against Martina and her sons. 4. And some of them gave over warring against the Moslem, and turned their hostilities against their own countrymen. 5. And thereupon they sent an envoy secretly to the island of Rhodes with this message to the troops with the patriarch Cyrus: “Return to the imperial city and do not take sides with him.” 6. And they sent also to Theodore, the prefect of Alexandria, the following message: “Do not hearken to the voice of Martina, and do not obey her sons.” And they sent likewise to Africa, and to every province under the sway of Rome.


17. And subsequently the patriarch Cyrus set out and went to Babylon to the Moslem, seeking by the offer of tribute to procure peace from them and put a stop to war in the land of Egypt. And ‘Amr welcomed his arrival, and said unto him: “Thou hast done well to come to us.” And Cyrus answered and said unto him: “God has delivered this land into your hands let there be no enmity from henceforth between you and Rome: heretofore there has been no persistent strife with you." 18. And they feed the amount of tribute to be paid. And as for the Ishmaelites they were not to intervene in any matter, but were to keep to themselves for eleven months. The Roman troops in Alexandria were to carry off their possessions and their treasures and proceed (home) by sea, and no other Roman army was to return. But those who wished to journey by land were to pay a monthly(?) tribute. 19. And the Moslem were to take as hostages to one hundred and fifty soldiers and fifty civilians and make peace. 20. And the Romans were to cease warring against the Moslem, and the Moslem were to desist from seizing Christian Churches, and the latter were not to intermeddle with any concerns of the Christians. 21. And the Jews were to be permitted to remain in the city of Alexandria.

22. And when the patriarch had concluded this negotiation, he returned to the city of Alexandria, and he reported to Theodore and the general Constantine (the conditions of peace), to the intent that they should report them to the emperor Heraclius and support them before him. 23. And straightway all the troops and the people of Alexandria and the general Theodore came together to him and paid their homage to the patriarch Cyrus. And he acquainted them with all the conditions which he had made with the Moslem, and he persuaded them all to accept them. 24. And while things were in this condition, the Moslem came to receive the tribute, though the inhabitants of Alexandria had not yet been informed (of the treaty). And the Alexandrians, on seeing them, made ready for battle. 25. But the troops and the generals held fast to the resolution they had adopted, and said: “We cannot engage in battle with the Moslem : rather let the counsel of the patriarch Cyrus be observed.” 26. Then the population rose up against the patriarch and sought to stone him. But he said unto them: “I have made this treaty in order to save you and your children.” And plunged in much weeping and grief he besought them. 27. And thereupon the Alexandrians felt ashamed before him, and offered him a large sum of gold to hand over to the Ishmaelites together with the tribute which had been imposed on them.

28. And the Egyptians, who, through fear of the Moslem, had fled and taken refuge in the city of Alexandria, made the following request to the patriarch: “Get the Moslem to promise that we may return to our cities and become their subjects. And he negotiated for them according to their request. And the Moslem took possession of all the land of Egypt, southern and northern, and trebled their taxes.

29. Now there was a man named Menas, who had been appointed prefect of Lower Egypt by the emperor Heraclius: he was a presumptuous man, unlettered and a deep hater of the Egyptians. Now after the Moslem had got possession of all the country, they established him in his (former) dignity: and a man named Sinôdâ, they appointed prefect of the province of Rîf: and another named Philoxenus as prefect of the province of Arcadia, that is, Fajûm. 30. Now these three men loved the heathen but hated the Christians, and compelled the Christians to carry fodder for the cattle, and they forced them to †carry† milk, and honey, and fruit and leeks, and other things in abundance: Now all these were in addition to the ordinary rations. 31. (The Egyptians) carried out these orders under the constraint of an unceasing fear. (The Moslem) forced them to excavate (anew) the canal of Trajan, which had been destroyed for a long time, in order to conduct water through it from Babylon in Egypt to the Red Sea. 32. And the yoke they laid on the Egyptians was heavier than the yoke which had been laid on Israel by Pharaoh, whom God judged with a righteous judgement, by drowning him in the Red Sea with all his army after the many plagues wherewith He had plagued both men and cattle. 33. When God's judgement lights upon these Ishmaelites may He do unto tbem as He did aforetime unto Pharaoh! But it is because of our sins that He has suffered them to deal thus with us. Yet in His longsuffering our God and Saviour Jesus Christ will look upon us and protect us: and we also trust that He will destroy the enemies of the Cross, as saith the book which lies not. 34. And ‘Amr subdued the land of Egypt and sent his men to war against the inhabitants of Pentapolis. And after he had subdued them, he did not permit them to dwell there. And he took from thence plunder and captives in abundance. 35. And Abûljânôs the prefect of Pentapolis and his troops and the rich men of the province withdrew into the city of Dûshera — now its walls were strongly fortified — and they closed the gates. So the Moslem after seizing plunder and captives retired to their own country.

36. Now the patriarch Cyrus was greatly grieved on account of the calamities which had befallen the land of Egypt. For ‘Amr had no mercy on the Egyptians, and did not observe the covenant they had made with him, for he was of a barbaric race. 37. And on the festival of Palm Sunday the patriarch Cyrus fell ill of a fever owing to excessive grief, and he died on the fifth day of Holy Week, on the twenty-fifth of the month Magâbît. 38. Thus he did not live to see the festival of the holy Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ as the Christians had predicted regarding him. Now this event took place in the reign of the emperor Constantine the son of Heraclius (II).

62. And forthwith they seized him and conducted him before the emperor Constans. And he sware a terrible oath to this effect: “I have not done this with any evil intent, but in order to contend against the Moslem.” 63. And when they heard this statement, they set him free and made him commander-in-chief of the army, and arranged with him that he should give his daughter in marriage to the emperor. And on that occasion they had her proclaimed through the voice of the herald by the imperial name of Augusta…

67. And for these reasons he wept unceasingly; for he feared lest he should suffer the same fortune that had befallen him previously. And in the midst of this grief he died according to the law of nature. And his chief grief was due to the Moslem, who had refused his request on behalf of the Egyptians. 68. And before he died he wrought the works of the apostates and persecuted the Christians; and for this reason God, the righteous Judge, punished him for the evils he had wrought.

69. And the general Valentine and his troops were not able to give any assistance to the Egyptians; but the latter, and par- ticularly the Alexandrians, were very hard pressed by the Moslem. And they were not able to bear the tribute which was exacted from them. And the rich men of the city (country ?) concealed them- selves ten months in the islands.

70. And subsequently Theodore the governor and Constantine the commander-in-chief of the army, and the remaining troops, and likewise those which had been hostages in the hands of the Moslem, set out and embarked, and came to Alexandria. 71. And after the festival of the Cross they appointed Peter the deacon to be patriarch on the twentieth of Hamlê, on the festival of the holy Theodore the martyr, and placed him on the patriarchal throne.

72. On the twentieth of Maskaram, Theodore and all his troops and officers set out and proceeded to the island of Cyprus, and abandoned the city of Alexandria. And thereupon ‘Amr the chief of the Moslem made his entry without effort into the city of Alexandria. And the inhabitants received him with respect; for they were in great tribulation and affliction.

Chapter CXXI. 1. And Abba Benjamin, the patriarch of the Egyptians, returned to the city of Alexandria in the thirteenth year after his flight from the Romans, and he went to the Churches, and inspected all of them. 2. And every one said: “his expulsion (of the Romans) and victory of the Moslem is due to the wickedness of the emperor Heraclius and his persecution of the Orthodox through the patriarch Cyrus. This was the cause of the ruin of the Romans and the subjugation of Egypt by the Moslem.

3. And 'Amr became stronger every day in every field of his activity. And he exacted the taxes which had been determined upon, but he took none of the property of the Churches, and he committed no act of spoliation or plunder, and he preserved them throughout all his days. And when he seized the city of Alexandria, he had the canal drained in accordance with the instructions given by the apostate Theodore. 4. And he increased the taxes to the extent of twenty-two batr of gold till all the people hid themselves owing to the greatness of the tribulation, and could not find the wherewithal to pay. And in the second year of the lunar cycle came John of the city of Damietta,

5. He had been appointed by the governor Theodore, and had lent his aid to the Moslem in order to prevent their destruction of the city. Now he had been appointed prefect of the city of Alexandria when ‘Amr entered it. And this John had compassion on the poor, and gave generously to them out of his possessions. And seeing their affliction he had mercy upon them, and wept over their lot. 6. ‘Amr deposed Menas and appointed John in his stead. Now this Menas had increased the taxes of the city, which ‘Amr had fixed at 22,000 gold dinars, and the sum which the apostate ' Menas got together was 32,057 gold dinars — he appointed for the Moslem. 7. And none could recount the mourning and lamentation which took place in that city: they even gave their children in exchange for the great sums which they had to pay monthly. And they had none to help them, and God destroyed their hopes, and delivered the Christians into the hands of their enemies. 8. But the strong heneficence of God will put to shame those who grieve us, and He will make His love for man to triumph over our sins, and bring to naught the evil purposes of those who afflict us, who would not that the King of Kings and Lord of Lords should reign over them, (even) Jesus Christ our true God. 9. As for those wicked slaves, He will destroy them in evil fashion: as saith the holy Gospel: “As for Mine enemies who would not that I should reign over them, bring them unto Me.” 10. And now many of the Egyptians who had been false Christians denied the holy orthodox faith and lifegiving baptism, and embraced the religion of the Moslem, the enemies of God, and accepted the detestable doctrine of the beast, this is, Mohammed, and they erred together with those idolaters, and took arms in their hands and fought against the Christians, li. And one of them, named John, the Chalce- donian of the Convent of Sinai, embraced the faith of Islam, and quitting his monk's habit he took up the sword, and persecuted the Christians who were faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Chapter CXXIII.

We have translated this book with great care from Arabic into Ge'ez, even poor I, the most worthless amongst men and the vilest amongst the people, and the deacon Gabriel the Egyptian, son of the martyr John Kolobos, by the order of Athanasius commander-in-chief of the army of Ethiopia, and by the order of the queen Mârjâm Senâ. 10. God grant that it may serve to the salvation of the soul and the preservation of the body. And praise be unto Him, who has given us power to begin and to finish (this work), for ever and ever. Amen and amen. So be it. 

8 Mayıs 2023 Pazartesi

XXXVI Öğretmen Hürmüz (ö.Yaklaşık 670)

 Öğretmen Hürmüz (ö.Yaklaşık 670)[1]


            Müridi Simon tarafından 12. yüzyıldan önce yazılmış bir metin olan “Pers Rabban Hormizd ve Rabban Bar-Idtanın (ö.611 veya 621) tarihçelerine” göre, Hürmüz altıncı yüzyılın sonunda veya yedinci yüzyılın başında Beth Lapat'ta[2] doğdu. El-qûş(ألقوش)[3] yakınlarındaki Beth 'Edhrai dağında şimdiki “Rabban Hürmüz Manastırı[4] inşa edilmiştir.


           Müridi Simon tarafından 12. yüzyıldan önce yazılmış bir metin olan “Pers Rabban Hormizd ve Rabban Bar-Idtanın tarihçesi.”.


Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budge, “The book of Governors The Historia Monastica Of Thomas Bishop of Marga a.d. 840”, Vol.1, London1893; Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budge, “The histories of rabban Hôrmîzd the Persian and rabban Bar-ʻIdtâ”, I, The syriac textes, London 1902; Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budge, “The histories of rabban Hôrmîzd the Persian and rabban Bar-ʻIdtâ”, II/1, English translations, London 1902; Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budge, “The histories of rabban Hôrmîzd the Persian and rabban Bar-ʻIdtâ”, II/2, The metrical life of rabban Hôrmîzd by Mâr Sergius of Âdhôrbâîjân. English translations, London 1902 Edite From Syriac Manuscipts in The British Museum and Other Libraries; Robert Hoyland, “Seeing Islam as Others saw it. A Survey and Evaluation of Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian Writings on Early Islam”, s. 189-192, Princeton, 1997;  Jules Leroy; Peter Collin, “Monks and Monasteries of the Near East”. pp. 166–167, 2004. Steve Cochrane, “From Beit Abhe to Angamali: Connections, Functions and Roles of the Church of the East’s Monasteries in Ninth Century Christian-Muslim Relations”, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, March 2014; Philip WOOD, “Hira and her Saints”, Analecta Bollandiana, Tome 132, pp. 5-20, 2014;

“Hormizd’in hastaları tedavi etmek ve keramet göstermek dolayısiyle memleket içinde kazandığı şöhret çok büyüktü. El-qûş ahalisi bu mühim adamın kendi aralarında yaşamak üzere geldiğini görünce, şehirlerine yakın bir yerde ona bir manastır kurmak istediler. Hodavi namında bir İranlı Hristiyan, ahaliye yedi talen gümüş vermiş, Musul valisi Ukbe de bunlara üç talen katmış, bu yüzden manastırın inşasına hemen başlanmış ve yirmi ayda tamamlanmış, tekris merasimi Katolikus ikinci Tomarsa tarafından yapılmış ve bu zat Hormizd’e yeni manastırın işlerine herhangi piskopos veya metrepolidin karışmasını meneden bir berat vermişti. Vali, buradaki Yakubileri çıkartmış ve Nasturileri onların yerinde yerleşmeye teşvik etmişti Hormizd’in ilk hareketlerinden biri Yakubilerin kalelerinden olan Arşam’a gitmek ve Nuhdheran Piskoposu Abihd İşo’nun yardımıyla burada bir Nasturi kilisesi kurmaktı. Hormizd bu sırada yetmiş yaşına yaklaşmıştı….  Fakat Bezgin manastmmn reisi ile Hormizd arasında keskin bir düşmanlık hüküm sürmekte idi. Hormizd’in biyografisini yazanlara göre Yakubi rahipler sefahet ve ahlaksızlık içinde yaşıyor, onun için Hormizd bu manastırdan “meyhane,, diye bahsediyordu…

Bezkin rahibleri, Hormizd’i öldürmege muvaffak olamadıktan sonra Musul Valisi Ukbe’ye giderek onu zani ve katil olmakla itham etmişler, valiye iki talen gümüş vererek onu el-qûş dağından kovmasını, çünkü bu dağın ya kendilerine, yahut ona ait olması icabettiğini söylemişlerdi. Hormizd, aleyhindeki ithamlara cevap vermek üzere Ukbe tarafından çağrıldığı zaman, kalkıp gelmiş ve Bezkin rahiplerinin yalancı olduklarına dair valiyi iknaa muvaffak olmuştu. Çok geçmeden Ukbe’nin oğlu tehlikeli bir hastalığa ugramış ve ölecek hale gelmiş, fakat Hormizd onu tedavi etmiş ve kurtarmıştı. (Ebu’l-Ferec Tarihi, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, Türkçeye Çeviren Ömer Rıza Doğrul, C.1, 1945/57.”



“For the governor Ukbe, who had been acquainted with our father, had departed :

And another, whose name was  Ali, and and who knew him not, had come”



Chapter XI.

Nom Shaibîn, the son of 'Ukbe, was raifed from the dead.

Now Shaibin the Arab, the son of Ukbe, the great governor of Mosul, fell sick of a disease, and his sickness waxed exceedingly sore and grievous, and although the physicians of the city laboured with him, in no wise [Page 66] did they benefit him, on the contrary, his sickness gained more and more hold upon him. And his father was distressed greatly because of him, for the physicians had cut off his hope, saying, ‘Our knowledge faileth [to help us] in the sickness of this young man, but we counsel thee, O our son Amir ‘Ukbe, to carry thy son gently in a litter and to take him to the holy man Rabban Hormizd, and when he hath laid his right hand upon him he will be healed completely of whatever sickness he hath upon him. Now when the Amir 'Ukbê had heard these [words], he commanded and they made ready a chariot (or, carriage) for his son, and they placed him in it, and taking his soldiers with him he set out to go unto the holy man Rabban Hôrmizd at Mount 'Edhrai. And when he had drawn nigh unto the village of Al-Kôsh, according to the dispensation of Divine Providence, which doeth all things well for the creatures of His creation, the young man's pain overpowered him, and he was convulsed with his sickness, and he died ; and his father 'Ukbê was distressed greatly because of him, and he was uttering cries of grief, and because he had no other son except that young man he was weeping bitterly for his son's death. Then the villagers of Al-Kôsh and Gabriel, the servant of Rabban, gathered themselves together, and they drew nigh unto 'Ukbê, and said unto him, "O our lord, live for ever ! Thou didst, in thy faith, come unto "Rabban Hormizd that he might heal him (i. e., 'Ukbê's "son) of his sickness, but behold, by Divine Providence death hath overtaken him here, and he hath "died. Now, O our good Amir, be not cast down with grief, for we all counsel thee to go to Rabban, having thy son who hath died with thee, and we believe by the God Whom the righteous man serveth, that he will make thy son who is dead to live [again], even as he hath done for many who are like unto "thee now." And inasmuch as the Amir 'Ukbê was a good man, and a believer also, he hearkened unto those believing men graciously, and he gave the com- mand straightway, and they laid the dead man upon an animal, and together with ten of his companions they took him up to [Page 67] the blessed man; and his servant Gabriel, and a crowd of the believing men of Al-Kôsh accompanied with honour the Amir unto the place where the holy man was. And when they had come to the holy man, the governor saluted him, and sat down with him. Then the governor answered and said unto the holy man, My lord, I have faith in thy prayers, and because of them I came "unto thee from the city of Mâwsel in faith, with the hope that my son would be healed; but when I arrived at the village of Al-Kôsh, according to the will of God and that which was to take place concerning him, the young man died in my hands. And "I fell into despair concerning him, and I sought to "return unto the city of Mawsel, but the lords of the village of Al-Kôsh counselled me not to go back until I had come to thee ; and now receive thou me, and visit thou me with thy prayers which are hearkened to before thy Lord, and send me not back empty to the city of Mâwsel, lest the heathen and the heretics their enemies say, “Êhê Êhê, our eye hath seen him”. Now to these words the holy man returned no answer whatsoever, but he fixed his gaze upon the ground and his mind upon God, and he became conscious secretly in his spirit that He was about to send the young man back to life again. And the holy man answered and commanded his ser- vant Gabriel to bring the young man and to set him before him, and Gabriel did so. Then Rabban Hôrmizd turned his face to the East, and prayed before our Lord, saying, "O our Lord Jesus Christ, Thou beloved Son, Who art from the Holy Father; Thou, "O our Lord, the Son of Mary, the Son of God, during Thy human dispensation didst raise from the dead three dead men. The children of Thy nation, the Jews, crucified Thee upon the wood, and Thou wast buried in the heart of the earth three days and three nights, and, having risen from the grave in the glory of Thy Father, Thou didst take Thy seat in the heavens at the right hand of Thy Father. And Thou didst command us to ask of Him petitions in the Name of Jesus [Page 68], and to live and to believe in Him, and that every thing should be [given] unto us. In the Name of Jesus the Nazarene, rise up, O Shaibin, from thy state of death. And at this word life entered into the young man, and his flesh began to quiver, and as soon as the holy old man saw that his life had entered into him he drew nigh to the body, and moved his right hand three times over him that was dead, and said, "Shaibin, "Shaibin, in the Name of Jesus the Nazarene rise thou up from the dead, for by His Resurrection our Lord Jesus hath abrogated the sentence of death which was passed on thee; and immediately he opened his eyes, and they straightened him, and he sat up. Then the holy man drew nigh unto him and gave him a washing [from his cross] to drink, and he drank, and he broke a cake of sacramental bread and gave him to eat. And when he had eaten and drunk, all those who were standing there were seized with wonderment and joy, and they cried out, saying, In very truth the Christians stand in the truth, and they worship their Lord Christ blamelessly, for by the Name of Jesus the Nazarene this man hath been raised from the dead.

Now as the Arabs and the people of Al-Kôsh were thus rejoicing, suddenly there burst upon them the "shorn", accursed sons of Bezkin, who had come to salute the Amir, and to condole with him on the death of his son, but behold, they saw that the son of the governor had been raised from the dead. Evil [be] upon you, O ye heretics, who put to death the God- head ! Behold now, by the Name of Jesus, the Man Who was God, the dead live through the man Rabban Hôrmizd ! [And the monks of Bezkin] saluted the governor, and blessed him also, and instead of comforting and consoling him, for which purpose they had come, they began to ascribe glory unto God, and to say, "Thanks be unto God  Who hath given joy unto us and thee through the restoration to life of thy son Shaibin by the hands of the servant of the living God, the glorious Rabban Hôrmizd.” But the governor answered them never a word, for he despised and rejected their words because [Page 69] they were remote from the truthfulness of Rabban Hormizd, and he turned his face away from them, and directed the gaze of both his eyes and his heart towards Rabban. Then the governor answered and said unto Rabban, ''Master, I know not with what similitudes I can liken and compare thee this day. [Shall I say thou art] like the angel of God ? But why should I say [thou art like] the angels ? Nay, thou resemblest the Lord of the angels through thy divine and triumphant works. For by the Name of Jesus the Nazarene thou hast made to live my son who was dead, and thou hast made him to come back from the devouring Sheol, and he hath [again] seen the light of life. And with what can I recompense thee for the great goodness which thou hast wrought for me, and for my son [who was] dead whom thou didst bring back to life by thy prayers ? Even if I were to give thee all my kingdom and my possessions, what, I say, would the doing of this be for thee in return for that which thou hast done for me ? There is nothing which I can do here that will compare, | even in the smallest degree, with what thou hast done for me. Nevertheless let me be baptized in the Name of Him in Whose Name my son was restored to life from the state of death; yet am I not worthy to make perfect the true faith in my soul, but only let "His Name be proclaimed over us, and we shall live thereby. Only, O my lord, give thou unto me the baptism of repentance and let us be pardoned there by, even as John gave the baptism of repentance unto the people of the Jews.

And the holy man said unto the governor, Thou knowest that I have not with me here the holy vessels and the things necessary for the performance of the holy service of baptism, for I have not even a little clay vessel in which to fetch a little water to drink, how then canst thou demand at my hands the vessels which are meet for baptism ? Then did John, the "shorn", accursed, and abominable head of the Monastery of Bezkin, make answer on behalf of the Amir, saying, "O my lord the Amir, behold our monastery is provided with every thing which is necessary for baptism, and thou canst be baptized by us just as well as by the hands of Rabban, because baptism by him or by us is the same thing. Now when Rabban and the crowds that were gathered together there [Page 70] heard these [words] from John they marvelled exceedingly at his audacity, and Rabban answered and said unto John the wretched one, O sinful man, the matter is not thus, for our baptism and your baptism no more resemble each other than do God and Satan, or light and darkness, and if "ou wishest it, O thou audacious one, I will make this manifest unto thee by the following act.


Chapter XII

Then, first of all Shaibin, the man who was dead and had been raised to life again, went down to the vessel and was baptized, and after him [went] his father, 'Ukbe the Amir, and then one by one the ten Arabs, the companions of the governor, who also had believed in Rabban. And the heretics who had come at first to offer consolation unto the governor returned in great shame unto their filthy, and accursed, and barren monastery, but the Amir, and the people of Al-Kôsh returned unto their village in unspeakable joy; and there were great gladness and triumph, which can never be taken away, unto all the countries round about in the hearing of the report of the triumphs of the blessed man.

Chapter XIV

Now when the time for the customary festival began to come round they took these old men, together with their head, from the "shrine" of Mattai to the tavern of Bezkin, and without delay in the morning they took in their hands no small [amount] of money, together with offerings and gifts of great value, to 'Ukbe the Amir and Shaibin his son. Now therefore when [Page 75] the old men, together with their head, drew nigh unto the gate of the city of Mawsel, they took the bread cake of their devil, and having broken off a few fragments from it they dipped them in the wine which they had brought with them to offer as a precious gift unto the great governor, that there upon the devils might fly into the mind of the governor. Then, before they had arrived at the gate of the governor, the governor sent forth his ambassadors to meet them that they might receive them into his house with the Joy and rejoicings of devils; and as soon as the governor had met them he made them to sit down with honour upon his own throne. Now the unclean cake of bread of their sorcery was hang- ing at the neck of their master, and the sorcerers acted cunningly and made the governor taste some of that wine in which the fragments of the cake of bread of Mattai had been crumbled, and as soon as he [and his son] had tasted it the operative power of the devils flew into the motions of the souls of the simple ones, and the governor Ukbe and his son Shaibin were consumed with the love of them, and they were inflamed with the fire of their devils. And the [monks of Mattai] began to ask [them] to go up with them to their monastery, so that the fetters by which they were bound might be strengthened by their devils. Thus the governor took upon himself the load of his sins, and he went up to the shrine of idolatry with them, and he forgot the deed of grace which Rabban had wrought for him in the matter of raising his son Shaibin from the dead, and the divine miracles which God had wrought towards him by means of Rabban, and he went with his enemies like an ox to his slaughter. And he perceived (or, under- stood) not the good deeds of Rabban, but cast them behind his back, and the venomous serpents began to burrow in the heart of the captive, and to counsel him with evil counsels concerning Rabban, and they aid, "He is a sorcerer and a deceiver ;" and the wretched governor believed firmly all these things which were said by them, because his mind had been led captive by the idol of Mattai said, [Page 76] Now Rabban had knowledge concerning the destruction of the Monastery of Bezkin — for its over- throw had drawn nigh— by means of the gift of knowing what was going to happen beforehand which had been given unto him by the Holy Spirit. And when Gabriel of Al-Kôsh and his companions learned that the Amir Ukbe had gone up with joy to the Monastery of Bezkin, they went up to Rabban, and they were mourning because of what had taken place. But before they could arrive at the cave of the holy man, he went forth from the cave and met them with rejoicing, and said, "Fear ye not, O my children, because the laying waste of the crucifying congregation hath drawn "nigh ;" now they wondered at Rabban doing thus, for it was not customary with him. And when they had been blessed by him and had sat down, before they could say anything whatsoever before him — now he already knew of their sorrow — he said unto them, "Wherefore are ye sad and in tribulation be- "cause the heretics have uttered blasphemous words, and said, 'Either he or we must be [master] in this "mountain ?'

Chapter XV.

And the spiritual being made his voice to be heard in the ears of all flesh that was therein; and the first who heard it was the Amir 'Ukbê, who had taken up his abode that night in the monastery, and he was the first to make his escape and to go forth from the terror and horror which had fallen upon him there, [Page 78] Now the first to hear of the punishment which had befallen that monastery were the brethren [and] disciples who dwelt in the school of Mar Ith-Allâhâ, and they armed themselves, and came, and began to plunder it, and they loaded themselves heavily with the abundant possessions which they took therefrom. And the next to hear thereof were the villagers of Arsham, and Harebha, and Kezyon, and they also armed them- selves, and climbed over the mountains and entered therein, and took away everything which they found.

Now when 'Ukbe the governor had fled from there he was greatly ashamed to come and see Rabban, because that monastery had received the doom which had been decreed by God, and it had been laid waste, and the inhabitants thereof had been scattered, and also because the war of the devils which had in- flamed him had risen up against him. Then were the eyes of his heart opened, and he knew that he had sinned greatly, and that he had not rewarded with




Chapter XVI.

Now therefore 'Ukbe, the governor of the country, being desirous of making himself pleasing unto Rabban because of the act of folly which had been committed by him in going unto the "shorn" monks of the Monastery of Bezkin, also came forward, and took three talents of silver, and sent them unto Rabban by the hands of Shaibin his son ; and Rabban received them from his hands, and he called George the archdeacon and Gabriel of Al- Kosh his servant, and delivered the money into their hands that it might be [employed]

Chapter XXIII

And inasmuch as the governor of the city of Mawsel was a friend of Ignatius, his servants went in and informed him concerning [his arrival], and the governor commanded quickly that he should go into his presence ; and when Ignatius had gone in the governor gave him the salutation of peace, and gave the order, and made him to sit down by his side in honour…

Now the governor who had known Rabban had departed from the city, and another, whose name was Ali, had come [in his place] ; and he had no child except an only son who was thirteen years old, and who was vexed by an evil devil. And Ignatius had worked his sorceries upon the youth many times, but he was not healed, although day by day he used to make the governor to be confident of the healing of his son ; but the cure of the youth continued to be far off from the sorcerer Ignatius…

And when Ali the governor saw this wonderful thing which Rabban Hormizd had wrought, he brought his son, who was vexed by an evil devil, before the holy man, and said unto him, “Lay thou thy right “hand upon the head of this my son so that the fiend “may flee out of him and Rabban did according to what the governor had said unto him, and the devil went forth from the young man. And the devil cried out, and said, “Woe is me! Fie upon thee, “O son [Page 104] of Persians ! Cursed be Persia, and “every thing which she hath sent upon us through “thee!” And suddenly the devil flew into the air, and he was never again [seen]. Then Ali embraced Rabban again, and said unto him, “In truth I under¬ stand now that thou art the faithful servant of God, “and that thou acceptest not the person of any man; “thy Lord hath indeed judged Ignatius the sorcerer, “although thou didst pray to thy Lord that he might “live ; but he did not live because thy Lord, according to His will, desired his death more than his life.”

Then Rabban went out of the city of Mawsel in unspeakable triumph, and by his means Divine Grace wrought many wonderful triumphs, besides the healing of the son of the governor of the city of Mawsel, and many other similar healings which can neither be described nor written down in this history lest it become [too] long and the reader thereof become exhausted. Now when Rabban and his companions went forth from the city of Mawsel, they did so by night, secretly, and without any man knowing of their going forth, [and they did so] because of the mighty crowds of people which were thronging him; and he arrived at the waters of the Tigris, and he walked upon this liquid substance as upon dry land.


[1] Yaklaşık tarih 670, Hoyland, s.189.

[2] Bugün İran, Cündişapur yakınlarında

[3] Kuzey Irak'ın Ninova Ovaları'nda bir köydür. Tel Kaif İlçesi ve Musul şehrinin 45 km kuzeyinde yer almaktadır

[4] Rabban Hürmüz Manastırı Musul'un 45 mil kuzeyinde, el-qûş, Irak'tan 2 mil uzakta dağlarda oyulmuş, MS 640 civarında kurulmuş Keldani Katolik Kilisesi'nin önemli bir manastırıdır.

6 Mayıs 2023 Cumartesi

XXXV Aziz Mina Şehitliği (7.Yüzyıl Sonu)


Aziz Mina Şehitliği (7.Yüzyıl Sonu)




Coptic Synaxarium, Hoyland’a göre bu anlatının yedinci yüzyılın sonundan önce yazılmış olması pek olası değildir, s.369.


Coptic Synaxary, "17 Amshir" (= Ethiopic Synaxary, "17 Yakkatit")


The Seventeenth Day of the Blessed Month of Amshir

(The Seventeenth Day of the Blessed Month of Amshir)

 The Martyrdom of St. Mina (Menas), the Monk

On this day St. Mina the monk was martyred. This saint was born in Akhmim to Christian parents who were farmers. Since his youth, his heart was inclined to renounce the world, so he became a monk in one of the monasteries of Akhmim.

For a period of time, he fasted two days at a time and he was ascetic in his food and drink. Then he went to El-Ashmounein and dwelt in a monastery there for 16 years without leaving it. When the Arabs ruled the country, St. Mina heard that they denied that God had a Son from His nature and essence, and equal with Him in Eternity. This denial of faith was painful to the saint, so he took permission from the abbot of the monastery and went to El-Ashmounein.

He came before the commander of the Arab camp and asked him, "Is it true that you say that God has no Son from His nature and essence?" The commander replied saying, "We deny that saying about God and totally reject it." The saint told the Arab commander that it should only be rejected if His Son was born through parental procreation, but our belief is that the Lord Christ is God of God, and Light of Light. The commander replied, "In our faith, this is blasphemy." The saint told him that the Bible says, "He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe in the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides in him." (John 3:36)

The commander became enraged at this and ordered his soldiers to cut the saint into pieces and to throw him into the sea. The believers gathered the pieces of his body, shrouded and buried it. They arranged a commemoration of St. Mina the monk on this day.

His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

5 Mayıs 2023 Cuma

XXXIV Movses Kaghankatvatsi/Movses Kaghankatuasi (ö.685)


Movses Kaghankatvatsi/Movses Kaghankatuasi (ö.685)


Movses'in çalışmalarından bahseden ilk tarihçi, ona "Movses Daskhurantsi" olarak atıfta bulunan ortaçağ Ermeni hukuk alimi Mkhitar Gosh'du.


Sebeos Tarihi gibi, bu Movses'in eseri de, başkaları tarafından çok seçkin yazarlardan biri olarak anılsa da, on dokuzuncu yüzyılın ortalarına kadar bilinmiyordu. Bu el yazmasının bulunmasından bu yana, kuzey kabileleri, özellikle de Aghwania veya Arnavutluk kabileleri üzerinde bir otorite olarak görülüyor. Movses, Tarihin I. ve II. Kitabında Hazarların Trans kafkasya'yı işgalini ve yedinci yüzyıla kadar olan diğer olayları anlatır. Tarihinin III. Kitabı, yazım tarzı ve tarih bakımından öncekilerden farklıdır. Ardışık yazar veya editörün, I. ve II. Kitapların yazarı olarak Kaghankatvatsi'nin (7. yüzyıl) ve Daskhurantsi'nin olduğunu varsaymak yaygın bir durumdur. Kaghankatvatsi'nin metninin editörleri ve Kitap III'ün yazarı olarak (onuncu yüzyıl).



Movsēs Dasxuranc'i (1961). The History of the Caucasian Albanians (translated by C. F. J. Dowsett). London: (London Oriental Series, Vol. 8); Movsēs Dasxuranc'i (2010). The History of the Aghuans (translated by R. Bedrosian). New Jersey.

The History of the Aghwans


“Four years after the death of the great Xosrov, king of Persia, his son Yazkert became king. The race of Hagar, an alliance of twelve tribes, grew powerful, and approaching from a distant clime in a bold and terrifying mass like a tempest blowing over the desert, they crossed the land of Asorestan and swiftly marched against the king of the Persians. Thereupon those generals and princes, lords and indigenous nobles of the various regions subject to the kingdom of Persia recruited an army to march against the foreign foe. At the time of these events, Varaz-Grigor, prince of Albania, being himself a noble of the family of Artasir, saw his second son Juanser to be brave, dignified and well-formed.

Slaying some at the very outset, he waxed most valiant,for he knew that the Lord was with him. After a few days, in the month of Mehekan, on Christmas Day, 30,000 cavalry and 20,000 infantry marched against them. The sons of Hagar, coming from Katsan [al-Qadisiya] with a host of cavalry and 2o,ooo infantry, sped forward with serried shields and began the battle against the Persian army. The sparapet of Albania, however, entering the fray with his brave men, struck down two of his opponents and withdrew with three grievous wounds, while his steed was wounded in four places. The enemy pursued him with frenzied hostility to the river where, still fighting back, he jumped in and swam across. His clothes were smothered in gore and his weapons in mud. Seeing that the nobles and soldiers were all of them mown down like grass, he hurried away to the court of the king.

In the eighth year of Yazkerts the enemy rose again and besieged the king in Ctesiphon for six months. General Xorazat and the sparapet of Albania marched with their armies against the enemy. Lifting up his eyes, the brave Juanser sallied forth with 3,ooo men, and driving them back by his vigorous assaults, he crossed the river and did not permit them to cross the Tigris for six months while the king was taken to the great Dastakert. In a terrifying mass the enemy swarmed upon him, and from there they transferred the king to Beklal; but the children of the south, resembling in their tremendous violence the waves of the sea, streamed along in pursuit. Standing firm for a few days, the sparapet of Albania did not cease to march against them and to demonstrate his personal valour for all to see, and many a time did he bring back and throw before the king the heads of the foreign foe. After this, while the armies battled one against the other, the Lord visited the army of the Persians with a cruel defeat at the close of their days, The command came from on high and destroyed their kingdom.

And in the twentieth year of Yazkert the Persian Empire was utterly destroyed, that is, in the thirty-first year of the worldwide wars of the Hagarites and the fifteenth year of my lord Juanser.  Thus did the Taciks (Arabs) invade the lands of the north and east. They compelled the tribal chiefs to surrender the fortresses to them and took their wives and children as hostages to safeguard themselves against rebellion. When Juanser beheld the cruel scourge from the south, he deceived them for a short time and then crossed to the other side of the river, where his fearless heart flamed and burned to do battle with them again and to deliver his father. But his father turned him from that design and voluntarily submitted to the enemy. The most wise Juanser concluded a treaty with the Armenian general and was encouraged to become a vassal of the Roman emperor, and entering the brotherly union, he wrote to the king of Greece as follows:

This was the sixth year of the kingdom of the southerners to the land of Asorestan [Syria], for leaving the land of the handmaid [Hagar] they established their seat of government in Damascus. He who settled there began to suck the marrow of the land around him, and to him [the caliph] were given strong and extensive powers, political wisdom, lenient authority, and human kindness, and with these four qualities he ruled the four corners of the earth. Seeing the emperor of the Romans rendered powerless and weak by the king of the south, who consumed his populous markets and towns like a flame, the great prince of the east Juanser was greatly concerned for his kingdom.

When hedescended into the land of the Asorestanis, he observed that theroyal governors of those provinces and the leading citizen.s of the towns did him honour at the caliph's command,  each in their several districts; horses were prepared and hostelries ready right up to his arrival in great glory at the court of the king. He commanded the grandees of his retinue to go before him and lead the steed on which the king himself was mounted, and thus, in the most dignified splendour, they entered the camp of the numerous concentrations of troops. The multitude, hearing his illustrious name, thronged to see him on the road. The king of the south gladly rose from his sleep at sunrise before his customary hour and received the prince of the east with a friendly greeting, being greatly pleased at his arrival.  He was received with a perfect welcome, and to not one of the governors of the country were such royal honours accorded [by the caliph], especially when he had savoured his intelligence and reason; for though lords and leaders of many lands were there in his service, in none of them had he such sure confidence as in Juanser, on whom, and on those wtth him, he bestowed very great gifts.

The King of the South again summoned the praiseworthy Prince of the East, Juanser, with an invitation promising many gifts to add to his previous honours and to increase his glory. For leading citizens of the town of Byzantium had come to him to accept the yoke of tribute to the sons of Hagar, and since eunuchs had undertaken to kill Constantine in the thirtieth year of his reign, the king had ordered them to remain where they were until the arrival of the prince of the east. The celebrated lord arrived with his previous retinue and was welcomed with more reverence and esteem than on the previous occasion, for [the caliph] commanded that the palace of his own brother be prepared for his repose and that he be always seated with him at table. He then ordered him to enter into peaceable negotiations with the honourable gentlemen who had come from the imperial city. The king was greatly amazed at his judicious and profound knowledge, and the ambassadors from the kingdom of Greece were no less grateful to him, for he endeavoured in many ways to advise the king to their advantage. After this, the king of the south ordered the prince of the east to be honoured even more greatly, like a crowned king, and presented him with that proud, well-trained, domestic beast from India, the elephant, with which the courts of kings are adorned in awe-inspiring magnificence.

Thenceforth the godly prince Varaz-Trdat's authority grew daily stronger. He received the highest dignity (gah) from the powerful and regal prince of the Taciks [Arabs], namely, that of governor (sahmanakal) of the eastern regions and ruler of the whole kingdom of Albania and the province of Uti, having subjected all to his authority and ruling happily, securely and victoriously over his territories.

In the 62nd year of the southern kingdom of the proud Muhammad, Varaz-Trdat, prince of Albania, conferred with his fellow naxarars and the catholicos Eliazar and said: “The tribute imposed upon us by the cruel people of Arabia (Tackastan) dangerously embarrasses us, while the annual invasions of our country by the forces of the Huns are also terrible calamities for us, for our country is plundered and weakened from both sides by enemy attacks. Come, kinsmen and friends, let us choose a bishop from among those of our land to make peace for us, so that he may go to them and by the grace of God incline the minds of both countries to peace and lasting friendship in order that we may henceforth no longer harbour hatred and enmity for them in our minds.

The monastery of Mruv, dedicated to the Forty Martyrs, close by in the same region and now held by the Arab.

The monastery of Partaw, “The Holy Mother of God”, near the Tower of David; half is held by a woman named Mariam from Samk'or, and half by the Arab.

The monastery of Kalankaytuk' in the same region; at present half is held by a Christian named T'eodoros, an Arab, son of Abraham, scribe of Abul Kami, from Aliovit, from [the town of] Zarisat, and half by the wicked and evil Arab.

The monastery of Arçax, “The Mother of God”, situated to the south of St. Stephen's, now wholly held by the Arab.

The monastery of Amaras, “St. Gregory”, half of which is held by a woman called Grigorik, and half by the Arab.

The names of three other Albanian monasteries seized by the Arab are not known. There is another monastery with the monasteries of the Araweank' in the middle of the sûq now held by the Arab.

2 Mayıs 2023 Salı

XXXIII Amed’li Theodot’un Hayatı (ö.698).

                                        Amed’li Theodot’un Hayatı (ö.698).


Theodota' veya 'Theodote' okumaya yönlendiren son ālaph ile yazılmıştır. Theodotos, Amid (Diyarbakır) bölgesindeki Beth Igalaye dağında 'Ānāt köyündendi.


Theodotos'un Süryani Hayatı, Theodotos'un öğrencisi Yawsep'ten öğrenilen bilgilere dayanarak Samosata'da Shem'un adlı bir rahip tarafından yazılmıştır. Muhtemelen 8. yüzyılın başlarında bestelenen Araplar, metinde birkaç kez yer alır ve Orta Doğu'daki bu en erken Hıristiyan-Müslüman etkileşimi dönemine bir pencere sağlar.

The Life of Theodotos is preserved in two mss.: Damascus 12/18 (late 12th cent.) and Mardin 275/8, a copy of the Damascus ms. made by Dolabani. The Life was translated into Arabic (Garshuni) in 1733/4 and exists in ms. St. Mark’s Jerusalem 199. At some point after this translation was made, the Syriac text was damaged and consequently, the Garshuni must be used to reconstruct lost passages. A Syriac and Garshuni edition is in preparation by A. Palmer and J. Tannous.


The Syriac Life of Theodut . ē survives in a partially damaged twelfth-century manuscript, Mardin 275. There is also a Garshuni (Arabic using Syriac characters) version that appears in an eighteenth-century manuscript, St. Mark Jerusalem 199. Andrew Palmer and Jack Tannous are preparing an edition and English translation of the Life that will be published shortly; “The Garshuni Version of the Life of Theodotos of Amida.” Andrew Palmer (ed.), Parole de l'Orient vol. 16 (1990)., pp: 253-260, The Garshuni Version of the Life of Theodotos of Amida Palmer, Andrew. (1990 - 1991) - In: Parole de l'Orient vol. 16 (1990/91) p. 253-260; Amid in the seventh-century Syriac life of Theodute Palmer, Andrew. (2006) - In: The encounter of Eastern Christianity with early Islam p. 111-138 Saints' lives with a difference: Elijah on John of Tella (+ 538) and Joseph on Theodotos of Amida (+ 698) Palmer, Andrew. (1987) - In: Literary Genres in Syriac Literature p. 203-216, Ugo Zanetti and Claude Detienne, Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca, entry: 869.Link to The Srophe web application Bibliographic Record;  A. Vööbus, "Découverte de la biographie de Théodote d’Amid par Sem’on de Samosate." Le Muséon vol. 89 (1976)., pp: 39-42.Link to The Srophe web application Bibliographic Record; A. Palmer, "Saints’ Lives with a Difference. Elijah on John of Tella (d. 538) and Joseph on Theodotos of Amida (d. 698)." in H.J.W. Drijvers et al. (eds.), IV Symposium Syriacum 1984, Orientalia christiana analecta, vol. 229 (Rome, 1987), pp: 203-216, Fiey, Saints syriaques, 188–9. Hoyland, Seeing Islam, 156–60; Palmer, Monk and mason, 88–91; Palmer, ‘The Garshūnī version of the Life of Theodotos of Amida’, ParOr 16 (1990–1), 253–59; Palmer, ‘Āmīd in the seventh-century Syriac Life of Theodūṭē’, in The Encounter of Eastern Christianity with Early Islam, ed. E. Grypeou et al. (2006), 111–38; Palmer, ‘Symeon of Samosata’, in Christian-Muslim relations, ed. Thomas and Roggema, 186–; Vööbus, ‘Découverte de la biographie de Théodote d’Amid par Šemʿōn de Samosate’, LM 89 (1976), 39–42;

The Life of Theodotos


“The story of the brave deeds of the holy lord Theodotus, bishop of the city of Amida,”

“Simeon, a priest and precentor from Samosata, ... as it was dictated to me by lord Joseph the priest, disciple of the saint.”

“The death of the holy lord Theodotus occurred in the year 1009 (698), in the month of August, on the fifteenth day, on the anniversary of our Lady Mary, the holy Mother of God, in the days of the patriarch lord Julian, of lord Gabriel of Dara, lord Matthew of Amida, lord Sergius of Mardin, lord A}fay of Tur 'Abdin and lord Elijah of Mayferqat. These bishops and their cities honoured the commemoration of the holy man and in their country he took his final repose. He was buried near Qeleth in the monastery which he loved and in the land which he held dear.”

“27. In the land of Samosata a governor had been appointed whose name was Elûstya. This man was from Harran. He sent to Claudia one of his boys, by name Sargis, to exact tribute (maddâthô) even from the poor people of that region; for there are many displaced persons (aksenôye) in that region. When that slave reached that region, he began to cause distress to the orphans and to the poor people of that region; and he sent [the following letter] to the Monastery-of-Môr-Sergios-which-is-spacious, in which the blessed Theodûte was dwelling: "Get ready for me the tribute of the ten men whom I have [written in my register as dwelling] in your monastery! Have a care, lest I stir up the people of Claudia against you! And do not rely upon Theodûtê, because I am going to levy the poll-tax (gezîtho = Arabic, jizya) from him as well!”

“58. There was a man among the Arabs in Âmîd who was in authority over the city and its region. Before Theodûtê became bishop, Satan stirred this man up against the favoured one. He sent men to bring him by force, in order that he might judge him on account of a letter that he had written to the Roman Empire. He accused him of being a friend of the Romans. When he arrested him, the whole city was in shock; and all the Arab cavalry were shaken by what had happened. They dragged him into their mosque (bêth mazgedô) and there that wicked man arose [from the seat of judgment?] and kicked him; and he fell to the ground, at which all the Arabs cried out with a loud voice. The church of our Lord was greatly grieved. It had nearly reached the point of people getting killed, when they carried the holy man out of their mosque.

In the middle of the following night the Lord struck that wicked man and took his light from him; with his eyes wide open he could see nothing at all. He fell upon his bed, at his wits’ end. Then he sent a group of prominent men—some citizens of Âmîd, others Arabs—who summoned him to accompany them without delay; and he fell down and venerated him and said, “Righteous man of God, have mercy on me! Forgive me for the sin I have committed against you and give me back the light of my eyes which you have taken away!” The favoured Theodûtê replied, “You unbeliever! You enemy of God! Did you not realise that your deeds would be requited? Once God’s arrow has been loosed, it cannot be deflected from its target. You cannot now avoid being struck by the wrath of the God [who is] my Lord. Nonetheless, in order that his name may be glorified, our Lord gives you back your light. But you may be sure you will be hit again, and harder!

He made the sign of the cross on his eyes in the name of our Lord and that man saw the light. All who witnessed it were amazed and the report of it flashed across the city, so that when Theodåã¿ left that man’s house the people thronged about him, seeking his blessing, Christians, Arabs and pagans. The very next day that man received a summons from his commanding officer and left Âmîd, sped on his way by hisses of hatred. On that journey he was thrown from his horse, which trampled on his arms with its hooves; he died of the injuries, as a result of which the people feared the Lord and his servant.”




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